Caption Contest
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Winners will be announced Monday
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Monday
I’m explaining ‘BLING’ to King Abdullah.
King Abdullah gave me this necklace so I could wear the Peace Prize to work.
Actually it’s Michelle’s, but I borrowed it for the occasion.
The State Dept. gave it to me so I would remember not to bow down any more …. cause if I do, I can’t get back up!
This award from King Abdullah is for being “The Biggest Loser.” (Pun intended.)
Obama had already clearly stated “No, there won’t be any kissing”.
Say, you guys don’t have any pandas, do you?
“You know, that Bush guy liked holding my hand too. You guys really ARE alike!”
At the dance in Riyadh. Barack: “I can’t believe the king danced with me. I didn’t have to put out or nothing.”
“It was a totally understandable mistake, sir. We can’t figure out a thing Joe Biden says either.”
Saudi Arabia awards its Medal of Honor to President Barack Obama for once again selling out the Israeli nation.
Obama: “it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the new American Ambassador to Israel!”
Obama: “Abdullah, Hizballah, Ayatollah, Cumbayah, what’s the difference? A rose by any other name would still smell.”
All we need now is the bracelet of Anubis….
Look Ma – No Blood Libel on my hands this trip.
It was Michelle’s belt but it got to small, so I am using it as a necklace now. mpw
Sheik, shake?
It’s good to be the king, er, I mean, president.
Obama: “How do you get a muslim outta a tree?”
Sheik: “Call the cell phone attached to his suicide bomb.”
Sheik: “If I had one wish from a magic genie, I would wish for a wall 50 miles high around all the Islam countries so we could live in peace without the infidels, what would you wish for Mr. President?”
Obama: “For the Genie to fill up the inside of the wall with oil.”
Sheik: “Didja get a free bowl of soup with that bling?”
DRUDGEBREAKING: Manhattan sold again…. same deal as last time…. Developing
Obama decides it’s ok to make friends with the KKK, since they revealed their ethnic diversity.
Even with all of her shopping, finds someone more “chic” than Michelle!
Even with all of her shopping, Barack finds someone more “chic” than Michelle!
Hey….it’s a handshake…’s not like I’m prancing down the walkway holding hands…..
Saudi Arabia awards its Medal of Honor to President Barack Obama for taking down the Iranian nuclear program without killing anyone.
OK, guys. One more time: Guy on the right, Arab, Muslim, king. Guy on the left, natural-born United States citizen, Christian, President of the United States.
That’s our president…always willing to give Arabs hand jobs.
Obama thought bubble: “Damn, the Republicans are gonna love this–me shaking hands with a guy in a dress.”
Obama thought bubble: “Beard+dress=crossdresser.”
A black man in Arab-made chains. Hmmm. Where have I heard of that before?
Baby, it’s gold outside…
All that’s left is a band of gold. All that’s left of the dream I hold is a band of gold…
Hey, where’s my watch?
I apologize for keeping oil under $100 a barrel for so long.
Sheik, your booty?
Please tell me you also got one for my wife.
Funky gold Medina.
And I brought you some DVDs.
While Obama loved the King’s outfit, he couldn’t help but tell Abdullah that a wide black belt, like Michelle wears, might just make the final fashion statement.
What’s the difference between these two?
One is a despot who rules with no concern for his subjects only the retention of power and privilege and uses his nation’s wealth to bribe and coerce greedy and ignorant people into letting him have his way…and the other is a Saudi prince.