Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Winners will be announced Thursday
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Thursday
A communist leader meets the leader of the economic world. Hu is Hu?
Congratulations on a great purchase, Mr. Hu. I’m sure you’ll enjoy living in the West Wing.
No, I’m sorry, but that’s the Eskimos who invite you to sleep with their wives.
To paraphrase Limbaugh – The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner meets the fetes the jailer of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.
President “Abortionist” who doesn’t want children burdened with a baby meets the worldwide baby (excuse me – fetus) killing leader. Expectations are high for pre-natal care.
Hu are you again?
It’s OK Barack, our new stealth fighter program has hidden your Birth Certificate from public view.
Take my wife…. Please!
Hu’s handshake sparks criticism in China. Said to be greatest global scandal since the Obama bow.
Fair deal Barack – the Lady in Red for another trillion in loans.
Hu thinks you are both vel-lee, vel-lee tall people.
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Yes, as a matter of fact, Michelle was thinking of repainting the White House that very color!
While the First Couple parties it up with the Communist Leader, the American people still can count on our military to be on the job, protecting our flag and our freedom.
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Hu you? You not Hu? Hu you not?
“Whooooooo are you?”
“Who Hu?”
“Hu who?”
I should have noted that my previous entry is a single gag, not three separate lines.
Hu’s on first, Whats on second, and I don’t know is on third.
Obama to Hu – So are you pleased with your collateral inspection and appraisal trip so far?
Hu: “Is very nice screwing you”
Obama: I enjoy it too, Mr. Hu.
The urge to bow is strong in this one.
For the first time in my adult life, I’m proud of your country.
Fawning courtiers. Bleh.
Of course the two stiffs holding the American flag are dummies – made in China of course.
Congratulations Hu, your country has just started making the very last thing we used to make here in the US—leakproof rubbers.
Hu: Tonight Lang Lang play ancient Chinese melody called, “Boom shaka laka boom.”
Obama takes a long bow to China.
I’m glad you like the carpet and her dress. We’ll get working on the flag next week.
1) “President Hu. We want to sell you airplanes, software…this early American matching dining set. Those WW II blackout curtains over there. And since the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 ruling on ‘Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission’, a slightly used, semi-functional dysfunctional governing political body, too.”
2) “Say, Hu. May I barrow a fin [a five-dollar bill]? I’m gonna try impressing the country tonight.”
3) “Ironically, despite President Obama’s attempt to assure the visiting head of state that American had matured beyond its adolescent stage of racism. Even offering up himself as an example, as the first ever Black man voted into the highest office in the land, President Hu was deeply offended by the after dinner movie selection: ‘Who’s on First?’ by Abbott and Costello.”
4) “For the most part, despite what he heard on the radio from Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, Obama convinced President Hu that America was not a racist country….That was, however, until the house lights were dimmed. And the after dinner movie selection set over by the Library of Congress played: ‘Who’s on First?’ by Abbott and Costello.”
5) “For the most part, despite what he heard on the radio from Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, Obama convinced President Hu that America was not a racist country….That was, however, until the house lights were dimmed. And the after dinner movie selection sent over by the Library of Congress played: ‘Who’s on First?’ by Abbott and Costello.”
Way cool, Hu, having Lang Lang sing about defeating the American Military jackals cause I’ve dreamed about that too.
We may be broke, but the great Panderer’s pathetic posturing produced the panda panacea.
“Why is LingLing here?”
“That’s my wife.”
Yeah, I’m ready to give my SOTU speech. II’ve wrapped your political ideaology, Hu, in Ronald Regan’s rhetoric so the Republicans just won’t know what hit them.
I know, Mr. Hu, she even looks like Aunt Jemima without the hankerchief.