Caption Contest Winners
The Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
First: PLStepp – “The WORST job I ever had-cleaning up after Charlie Sheen ‘has a few friends over’.”(that extra 1/2 man can be messy – rodney)
Second: Stormy Dragon – The new Willy Wonka sequel, ‘Charlie and the Toxic Waste Dump,’ was a flop, but the Oompa Loompa scenes turned out enjoyable.
Third: John Burgess – I thought this was an audition for Star Wars!
Michael Hamm – Government clean up crews train for CFL light bulb disposal.
charles austin – Refuseniks.
anjin-san – Glenn Beck produces further evidence of the Soros plot for a one-world government…
Don Singleton – The court requests a copy of the Health Care Bill
mannning – If your new Republican representative doesn’t answer his phone…..
IP727 – Trash day at your nearest abortion clinic.
Parts is parts.
Subsequent to the Blue Man Group, the creation of the White Man Group lead to cries of, “RACIST!!!!”
Stuff PETA would rather wear than fur.
The Thurday Contest is going whole hog.
Woo hoo! Thanks for the HM, RD.