Caption Contest
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
by Rodney Dill — TIME MAGAZINE Person Of The Year — 2006
Winners will be announced Monday PM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
by Rodney Dill — TIME MAGAZINE Person Of The Year — 2006
Winners will be announced Monday PM
Quick Steve…The kids are catching up!!
Hurry up Steve…We are late for the handover ceremony….
Toasting the New Year.
Okay, so we’re both toast. But I’ll bet I land buttered side up when those kids kick our asses…..
“Yes, that’s right, I said fourteen gallons of maple syrup . . . “
“So, Fred, if I ask you to rub butter on my back, that’s not gay, right?”
A casting call for a remake of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” drew many who, quite obviously, had never seen the original.
“Excuse me, anyone seen a seven foot strip of bacon around here?”
How to spot a 2006 republican candidate.
Mom, Dad…Why do you always have to embarrass me when you pick me up from junior high?
Why you should always read the fine print on fetishes before setting up a wife swapping date.
Man does not live by bread alone – so it deserves the right to marry!
I don’t think these people have the ‘whole grain’ going on upstairs if you know what I mean.
You I like, my last boy friend was a real heel.
When I said bring the bread or you will never see your kid again, this isn’t what I meant.
They were the toast of the town…and people made fun of them for it.
“Well, at yeast they’re leaven with us and not at us.”
At long last, a caption contest photo that isn’t half-baked.
Why am I not surprised this pic is from a French agency?
This is what happens when you live in Alaska too long. Oh, you thought “sourdough” was a figure of speech?
“No no no! I told you to find a man of good breeding! Breeding!”
Shredder toast
1) Leggo My Yugo!
2) Those French are toast.
3) College hazing has sunk to a new low in France.
4) Costume Idea #40 for French postmen to avoid being chased by dogs, or car burning “youths”.
3a) College streaking has been replaced with “Toasting” across campus. How lame this new generation of students are.
3b) You should of seen the pair that had to dress up as Yule logs!
3c) Or the ones that had to dress up as a Fruitcake. Man they got heckled, and got drunk off the rum in their costume to boot.
5) How Rumsfield got his pink slip. He fortunately was laughing so hard he couldn’t load his shotgun.
We’ll need a better disguise to keep us out of that jam!
Having run out of bread, these two are toast … any way you slice it.
Honey…come look at this I swear I see Jesus’s face inthis piece of toast!
“Come on, come on, walk faster. If those pigeons spot us, we’re toast, man!”
… and two whole fried chickens.
The democrats new “wonder boys” show up looking for “pork”, after being “egged on” by the electorate. They are the “toast” of the town now, but they better find “twelve ways” to produce or they really will be “toast” in two years. Likely they will just join the rest of the party and “loaf”, while spewing the same old “stale” ideas. The party, having “bread” them for the job, thinks they are “the greatest thing since…..!
Before they knew what hit them, a giant pigeon swooped down and grabbed them both.
Two actors portraying bread? Hmmm, must be a ‘ham’ sandwich.
– Ultra leftist
Chronicle of the Conspiracy
Miroljub Jevtic, KGB or now know as FSB spy operating in the Balkan, he was originally a Marxist currently opposing social democracy, and with some sort of sympatism to anarchism. Miroljub Jevtic is Trotskyist advocating the theory of Marxism as advocated by Leon Trotsky. Miroljub Jevtic considered himself an orthodox Marxist and Bolshevik-Leninist, arguing for the establishment of a vanguard party. His politics affiliation differed sharply from those of Stalin or Mao, most importantly in declaring the need for an international “permanent revolution”. Numerous Jevtic’s frineds and followers around the world continue to describe themselves as Trotskyist, although they have diverse interpretations of Trotsky’s writings.
Oddly enough, the young couple they got to where the costumes, for moving the new bread shop, were named Mr. And Mrs. Atkins.
Here come the bread guys.
Good, we knead them.
The presidential frontrunner learned a hard lesson when he asked for and received bread to fund his campaign.
Ted Kennedy Dreams #342: French Toast
“On the bright side, no one can accuse us of waffling.”
What does the best dressed pair of sliced bread wear on their feet?….loaf’ers.
I don’t care what Riff-Raff says, when Frankie raises his glass and says, “A toast.” we run across the stage.
OK, you be the Challah, ’cause I’ve got the Pita…
Peanut butter, this is Bread 2, what’s your 20?
You know, if we had another slice, we could be a ‘Club’.