Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Time for Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AFP/Toshifumi Kitamura)
Winners will be announced Monday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
“Doo, you da have enomus rack”
Less filling! Tastes great!
Hey, wanna trade lunches?
* Anorexia among the Sumo Generation: Next on Geraldo
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me what having kids can do to your body!”
Guy on right: “And you think our sumo diapers are bad. Whoa you shoulda been around this little guy last night. No more lo mien for him!”
“Say hello to mini me.”
Guy on left: “Sumo-san, look at the thighs on this one, that’s good eating.”
“Oh yeah? Well my baby can beat up your baby!”
(Because somebody’s gotta do it)
“My mom says, ‘Never date a man with bigger boobs than you have.'”
I love these things!
Creamy outside and crunchy in the middle!
The next step after “Dwarf Tossing“
Make it one for my baby and one more for the road.
“My human shield is better than your human shield.”
Sumo on Right Reading: “Best if used before 7 May 07. Refridgerate or use immediately”
“In the Baby Toss, the odds on favorite looks to be Bad Hair.”
Blending American “baby kissing” politics and “American Idol” reality show popularity, the election reforms have produced two candidates for president.
Neither father had ever been in trouble when their child made the taunt of “My dad can beat up your dad”, but this time there was a seed of doubt in both their minds.
After 16 straight draws, the sumo wrestlers agreed to let the next generation settle the contest.
“Sumo wrestling: The next generation” this fall on Fox.
I got an idea, instead of throwing rice into the ring how about we try throwing something else next time.
Each of them is over 500 pounds of man mountain, but they are both so whipped by their wives they have to take the babies to work.
You know someone had to be deep in the sake barrel when they came up with the idea of “sumo’s making babies cry” as a contest to bring good luck.
1) You’d think with boobs like that they’d know how to hold a baby.
2) Hachi-san, this baby-staring contest sucks.
3) Right: “Yeah I can bench-press him like 1000 times straight”
Left: “Try it now I dare you!.” The diaper looks is little plump.
4) Right: “Damn! He’s under 5 kilos I have to throw him back. Stupid catch-and-release laws.”
Sumo wrestling starts early, but someone has to put them up to it.
Round three of the Sumo baby-eating contest… Hai!
In their constant effort to acquire more power, Rosie O’Donnell (left) and Michael Moore prepare to drink the blood of two Republican babies.
Rosie O’Donnell and Joy Behar demonstrate how rubbing two babies together briskly is how you melt steel.
Little Boy Blue prepares to throw a sweeping overhand right… Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!
Ten-week mutant ninja babies!
Kobe, I’m open!
Those Japanese game shows are really getting out of hand.
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Babies!
Wyatt Earp wins. Dude I spit my coffee all over my desk, lol.
Kentucky Derby jockeys were announced today. And we think they are getting smaller every year.
Frank Miller’s influence is getting way out of hand.
Note the real caption on this photo:
Note the real caption on this photo:
Which is, of course, not to be confused with Tokyo’s Sensoji temple in Kyoto.
Blame Bushido!
“Something wrong with our shakers.”
“Yeah. That isn’t pepper coming out of the bottom.”
“Yeah, I’ve tried to breast feed on my dad too.”
Babies saying-“Aren`t we a little young to use trampolines.”
…what, this isn’t the “take caption phrases out of context” contest?
– My kid weighs more than your kid.
+ No, that’s just the diaper
Baby on left: “You stinky. And your sumo dresses you funny.”
Babies: 1,2,3…..okay poop.