Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced Monday PM
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European Union,
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird …
it’s a plane …
it’s some nut strapped to a jug of kerosene, carbon fibre, and four miniature jet engines,
What’s in your wallet?
* The Great Bird of the Galaxy
* Make sure THIS one doesn’t take a dump on your car.
* Jane! Jane! Stop this crazy thing!!! Jane! JAaaaaaannnneeee!
Feel the burn (can you take the heat?).
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There’s a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
From the Transformers theme song: “Transformers, more than some crazy Euro guy”
In response to budget cutbacks at the Pentagon, Boeing introduces the next wave in fighter planes: the fighter no-plane.
Tower to Ghost Rider, um, your . . . umm, your tailhook is still out.
Delta has also cutback its services. Here a business class customer is seen using the more economical, fuel efficient, single passenger, express flight option from Colorado to LA.
* Q branch has really outdone themselves this time.
* Chief Flying Eagle!
* “AAAhhhhhhhh! The flying Elvises are BACK!!!!!!!”
* “Ah. Flying hell-beast. Seen it. Damn it, I pay for 300 channels and this is the best they can do?”
* “I’m flying! I’m FLYING!!!” “Some evolutionary Breakthrough!”
* “It was a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater…”
* Kurt Who?
* And you guys thought my invention of Flying toasters was good…
* Harry Potter’s next progression
* Opening scene from “Mothra and Rodan meet James Bond”.
* The R&D dept at Pizza hut was furiously at work developing the next rapid delivery system.
* “Uh-oh…Are those tie-fighters?”
* Rejected cover for “Jefferson Airplane’s Greatest Hits”
* The real answer to planes being Hijacked.
* “Boy, I hope I can land this thing soon. This black box is making me ITCH.”
He’s holding the Bic behind him, waiting for the right moment to light the afterburner.
“I’m the Rocketeer”
“The rocka-who?”
Hillary took her case to the air, hoping sky writing would woo superdelegates.
Fuel prices can’t be that bad, look at this guy.
It is 3 am. Hillary got the call. And, as promised, she is off to save the day.
The search for the last kangaroo continues.
Jimmy began to realize that landing gear would have been a good idea.
“Here he comes to save the day!”
“C’mon, Yves. You know that’s not what we meant when we said you should ‘wing it'”.
“So. When do I get to hook up with Jennifer Connelly?” (Rockteer reference, for those unaware)
Ahmadinejad: “If Mohammed can fly up to heaven so can I”
“…and-there’s no carry-on luggage fee!”
“Landing gear? OMG- I forgot the landing gear!”
Woohoo! Man this is really fun isn’t it Bob?….
* Icarus, his arms outstretched, at Tanagra
* I love the smell of burnt feathers and gunpowder and cordite!”
* Supplying this many feathers to commuters, though is a problem given the economy. Even Down is up.
* There hasn’t bee a dragon in these parts for 1000 years…
* Charlie developed the rather nasty habit of picking his nose gear
* “I will not encourage others to fly.” – Bart Simpson on the blackboard, later that day
*I fly like an elephant and sting like a moth
European response to soaring fuel prices.
After receiving an encouraging letter from Senator Clinton, David Archuleta prepares his rendition of Elton John’s “Rocket Man.”
To Infinity… and Beyond!
“I’m King of the World. . .. . . .Dag!
Karl Rove continues his controversial bald eagle hunt.
Yet Another Example Of Why Deregulation Of The Airlines Was A Bad Idea.
President Obama cancels the nearly complete JSF. And replaces it with the BRB (balsa wood and rubberband).
With skyrocketing fuel prices, the airlines continue to cut back on amenities.
Buzz Obama-Lightyear: to Infiniti, Lexus, and beyond.
An Air Force of one.
McCain was able to dispell all myths about age and health in one fell swoop.
Pilot to ground control, where did you say the air brakes were?
I can see my house from up here. Hey, what’s that strange car doing in my driveway?
The Pentagon’s new punishment for deserters: turning them into unarmed drones.
Out of airspeed
Out of altitude
Out of ideas … Eject! Eject! Eject!
Ground Control to Major Tom,
Commencing countdown,
engines on,
Check ignition,
may God’s love be with you,
Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff
“Yes I see you, dear. How do you look? You look small. The mountain looks big and you look small. Dear, once you land and all, please pick up some milk on your way home.”
Fuel … check.
Ailerons …. check.
Navigation … check.
Parachute …. oh sh*t!
I really don’t know how this thing works, I’ll just have to ‘wing it.’
Yes Hillary, I have just the right assignment for you in my administration.