Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Monday, January 19, 2009
Time for the Inaugural OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced Thursday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Hehehehe, that was one big ObiWan….
“I find my lack of continence disturbing”
I find the lack of TP disturbing.
Cheney finds the transition to private life to be smooth.
Vader found out to his constipation that the building was not in fact his meditation chamber.
“Bad news, C-3PO. R2 is pooped.”
Never underestimate the power of the dark side.
“Oh, bama!”, Vader thought, “Thankfully there’s still time to blame Bush for that Clean Air Act violation.”
Finding himself in tough economic times, Vader takes a temporary job as toilet security agent during the inauguration.
“Hmmmm… those weren’t the ‘rhoids I as looking for…”
Hey, the whole thing was grey when I went in there
The force is strong with this one
Clones, I hate clones. Why do all the porta-potties have to be clones of each other
Security for the Obama inauguration with “private security firms” being hired to inspect each porta-potty
I sense a disturbance of the force in this one, someone light a match
Al Qaeda has turned to camouflage to infiltrate Washington, DC
A few on the left started to wonder about Obama as they saw the new director for homeland security exit the porta potty
Even the Force could not prevent Little Darth from getting caught in the zipper.
Darth: Aaahhh…draining the Force within you!
Yoda: Pissing, what Darth Vader is.
It is a fitting tribute that the icon for the new incoming Obama Administration coronation has become the Port-A-Potty.
Hope, Change and enough Port-a-Potty’s for everyone.
Darth: “Damn, I could have sworn that hatchway led to the launch pad.”
“Superman had it so easy.”, Darth thinks to himself, “He got to change in a phone booth.”
The force is strong in this one!
* “Darth Vader! I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board!”
* “General, prepare your troops for a surface attack. Yes, the gas masks again.”
* “Impressive… most impressive.”
* “Never underestimate the POWER of the Chili Dog”
* “This will be a smell long remembered.”
* Is Darth Vader really dead? Next Geraldo.
* Darth Vader came and said he would melt my brain. He almost did, too.
* Vader proved to be far more powerful than the Emperor thought.
The security around Washington started taking interesting turns in the days before the inauguration.
Darth: Damn rebels! No #$^#@%#$%&*!!*#! toilet paper– again!
“Dark Lord of the S**t”
“As the administration ended, Dick Cheney was finally able to leave his undisclosed location”
VP Biden: “So…I had a choice of Secretary of State or Vice Predident…and I chose the dark side…awe-dang”
Biden “On this day of service i’ve done my duty”
Obamamaniac “PHWEW…aint no amount of HopeyChangey can fix that“
Carl Rove makes his final contribution to Washington politics.
Darth Vayderbama: I shoar as heck hope nobody notices my feet of clay.
One door closes …. another opens.
All the fookin planets in the galaxy … and I had to stop at one without indoor plumbing (but that roll of sandpaper I swiped, sure will come in handy when we get around to repainting the holodeck).
The NYT’s puts another edition to bed.
170 million dollars in spending seems quite reasonable after learning that Obama is “busing” them in from Mustafar and the far corners of the Galaxy.
Oh, please, all these special pre-Inauguration events … this presidency certainly looks like a Hollywood production to me.
Obama is wearing specially designed clothes that are bullet resistant. Totally serious, I am.
With the Inauguration of Obama, Gitmo was closed, but the Tatooine Detention Facility was surreptitiously launched.
Donkey poop from a galaxy far far away?
Cheney leaving his post.
Anyone know how to get MSM off the bottom of my shoe?
Cheney finally comes out of hiding. Free at last! Free at last!
Conspiracy theorists will note Blagojevich’s leaving the White House by a secret passageway.
Singing the praise of one Ron Paul
Who wrote his name on the s**thouse wall.
“Tis’ all”, he said, “it is done.”
I helped elect he who is The One”
Roberts: “Too bad I had to use the paper with the oath on it for TP… probably nothing will come of it…”
“Hey Darth, while you were in the loo, the president sorta kinda took a weird more or less oath.”
Dang, Captain Kirk and I both have to deal with “clingons”.
My work is done here.