Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced Monday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Rahm-bo displays his softer side when greeting Hillary.
He thought he was saying “Hi, Mom” but clearly Emanuel is ASL-challenged.
Here we have Emanuel singing his version of Rahm A Lama Ding Dong.
“Heh. And you said Chicago-style politics would never work outside of Illinois. Nyah!”
Rahm Emanuel waves goodbye to ex-President Bush.
Obie in the White House, dignity restored, the world placated [Now I gott’s to buy me a bigger wallet (all that extry change, and hope)].
Just scratching my nose, and wetting my lips!
Rahm: “Hey Hill, did you see the Oprah interview with —->VP<—- Biden and his wife???. Your new job depended on which job the Gaffomatic picked…nanny nanny boo-boo”
Rhammie: “Take that, you Constitution-lovin’ scum suckers!”
Rahm Emanual flashes the secret “Monica” sign to former President Bill Clinton as he passed by on inauguration day.
Anyone want a chocolate covered pretzel????
Unfortunately for Rahm, Hillary slapped him on the back right at that moment.
What happened? Well, you see, on our African vacation we ran into this witch doctor who claimed he could make Rahm a better French kisser……and well….
Coach Rahm sends in the play signal to the rookie quarterback from Chicago, Hawaii.
Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah…AIPAC’S still in charge!
Obama pledged transparency and the rule of law not decorum.
Obama promises mature, responsible grown ups are now in charge of the White House.
Rahm lives up to this assessment by Time magazine: “A foulmouthed showman and backroom infighter, Emanuel has been known to manage, motivate and intimidate by standing on a table and screaming. And yet the early signs of how he will be running things at the no-drama Obama White House are auspicious…” Yes, truly auspicious.
“No Pimp-Your-Tux for Rahm Emanuel. He prefers Inauguralwear trimmed with rancor and abrasiveness.”
Girl in crowd thinks – ‘These guys are responsible for making history changing decisions?’
“The time has come to set aside childish things,” ad libbed President Obama, speaking not to an adoring audience, but to Emanuel, who wouldn’t stop mocking his enemies.
“Nyah, nyah! I knew it was wiretapped all along!”
How do you like me now, Howard?
Though Repubosaurs no longer roam from sea to shining sea (with their boards of water). Obama still does retain use of his (tippy) top secret interrogation technique (shhh) … the Rahm Raspberry of Death (Man I sure do sleep better at night).
When you can snatch the booger from my nose Grasshopper … will be time for you to leave.
The grown-ups have left the White House.
Rahm Emanuel’s gestures have been toned down due to hard work by Mrs. Emanuel
Read mah lips … no new Texans!
He never figured out why he could not hail a taxi.