Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Monday, August 10, 2009
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
Winners will be announced Thursday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Yes my car is worth more than 4500, but not my House of Representatives and Senate. Can I trade them in on a new Yugo? mpw
Special Sale: Used cars priced to sell. First come, first serve. You even get pick of the litter.
You should see the one behind Capitol hill, its full of Glufstreams.
It depends on what
yourthier definition of clunker is…..idiocy- 4 dictionary results
id⋅i⋅o⋅cy  /ˈɪdiəsi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [id-ee-uh-see] Show IPA
Use idiocy in a Sentence
—noun, plural -cies. 1. utterly senseless or foolish behavior; a stupid or foolish act, statement, etc.
2. Psychology. the state of being an idiot.
1520—30; idio(t) + -cy; cf. Gk idiÅteÃa uncouthness
1. foolishness, inanity, folly.
Where Obama’s stupidity runs a car biz in need.
This is your economy on Obamacrack. Any questions?
This is your grandfather’s Oldsmobile.
“Wait, I think I left a map in the glove compartment.”
Low income car shopper: “Excuse me sir, i’ve found a car that fits my budget, it’s the blue one….now how do I get it out of the dumpster?”.
In Obama’s economy, even the cars are dumpster -diving.
Out of work Transformers dumpster-diving.
Hey! Louie!
D’you see the Ferrari in there?
Now don’t that look like something an angry mob would do……
Honda: SHHHH! your going to get us caught!
Chevy: Don’t you shush me! if it was wasn’t for your smoking habit we wouldn’t be here in the first place
I can’t take this kinda pressure
I must confess one more dusty road
Would be just a road too long
Sign: 250.00
Dumpster Rental: 800.00
Pieces of sh*t in dumpster: PRICELESS
Obamacare ‘provider’: Sorry elmo … we’re gunna have ta scrap your sorry butt.
elmo: Bbbut Doc … I still gotta few miles left!
Red White And Blue
Americlunker Stew
The local hospitals are borrowing these after to help advertise the coming Consulticide.
Shortly after turning in their cars, they were secretly shipped to Cuba.
This strange accident occurred shortly after Helen Thomas was said to have flashed the intersection.
California’s controversial parking test for new drivers is said to require several attempts.
Wanted : Clunker Dunker