Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Monday, August 17, 2009
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Winners will be announced Thursday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
No Maam … you don’t have to spell it out for me. I understand, hell is that way, and I better get going.
“Up your nose with that damn death panel!”
“You just remember, Mr. President, that I’m a working member of society when they start discussing QALY’s.”
“Public option? Public option? The only thing that should be public are parks!”
“Yes, I’m a cougar but I’m really not into dark meat.”
“NO, I haven’t heard from him. YOU tell Rahm to call his mother.”
Park Ranger Duffy: “you BETTER have Bob Dylan and the Police Officer that incarcirated him to the White House for a beer summit!”
Park Ranger Duffy: “So, you have a big majority in the House and Senate….it’s the Detroit Lions V.S. “the Public Option” and the Public Option just lost….douche”
Ranger Duffy: “looks like YOU need to got to”
Ranger Duffy: “So this time, when you circle the wagons and come up with some new POS healthcare bill….don’t tell em’ it should be done by September 9th.”
Now that’s a smackdown… ouch
And be sure to keep your cotton-picken hands off my Medicare.
Ranger Duffy: “Trouser Czar was on his game today I see…”
Park Ranger Duffy: "So, you have a big majority in the House and's the Detroit Lions V.S. "the Public Option" and the Public Option just lost....douche"
Now that's a smackdown... ouch
Yeah, getting the Lions in there was a bit over the top. I hope I didn’t offend anyone.
Pull your what!!??
Uh, Sir. Did you see what that bird just did to you?
No ma’am, we haven’t yet implemented a catch-and-release program at Guantanamo, but that is currently being considered. You say its increased salmon numbers here? Interesting…
Didn’t offend me…. I’m a Packer fan
lol, CWA my brother, CWA!!!!!
B.O.: “So, if I pull your finger the geyser goes off?”
Duffy: “Uhhh…yeeeesss…that’s what’ll happen”
Ranger Duffy: “I knew Teddy Roosevelt and you ain’t no Teddy!”
B.O. thought bubble: Well, at least it’s not the same finger all those town-hall protesters were showing me.
B.O.: “Gee. I don’t know. DOES a bear s#!t in the woods?”
Duffy: “EYES FRONT AND LOCK YER BODY MAGGOT! Uh, oh, sorry Mr. President. Flashback to Parris Island.”
You call me sweetie one more time smiley puss and I’m gonna leave you out here!!!!
What did I tell you about smoking out here and flinging your
umsbutsbutts around!!!!I new Sgt. Hulka and your no big toe Mr. President!
“Yo, O, at your next beer summit, invite me and I’d like a Pliny The Elder.”
You shouldn’t have pushed the Public Option, Barry. The Democrats tried that once…..
{/end channeling Danny Vermin}
You want a real thrill, Mr President, go stand over that geyser hole over there.
Obama: “Well your finger smells a little like Pelosi, but I give up, what is it?”
Ranger: “Dead moose’s butt.”
Ranger Duffy: “ I’ve got this finger with arthritis that sometimes acts up like gangbusters. Under your POS plan, and at my age, I would have to skip the doctor visit and go right to the end of life counselor???”
Ranger Duffy: “member when all your poll numbers were up here?”
“I don’t care if you were at a beer summit, just follow my damn finger.”
President Obama: “I came here to see a geyser, not a geezer.”
President Obama: “Ok, you’re old, I’m faithful, and Ken’s a geezer. What’s your point?”
Park Ranger: “One last thing, watch out for wild animals — bears, buffalo, moose and Dick Cheney — he lives around here somewhere.”
“I used to have 5 fingers on this hand, until I went hunting with Dick Cheney.”
I don’t care if you’re the president of Kenya sir, you can’t keep going left on this trail without going over a cliff.
You say you don’t need a mule because you have a lot of friends that are jackasses?
I will not let you make a movie here proving the Grand Canyon was caused by global warming.
That woman of yours is right -your breath is stinky.
No sir, we don’t take any credit cards signed by all the American people.
All I said sir was that the canyon was about as deep as your deficit.
No there are no ACORNS in Arizona sir.
Must… resist… urge… to… pick… President’s… nose…
Ranger Duffy: “OH…what’s the number for that fishy thing you got for reporting the opposition??. I think i seen a Republican here the other day. He had…the look“
Ranger Duffy: “wull of course…back in the day, when we had a black guy that claimed he was the President Of The United States and we were not clear where he was born….we gave him the single barrel shocker!”
Ranger Duffy: “Sure, oh heck yeah…It’s 10:15PM Eastern on a Monday night and I’m still offended my finger bears the stink of Nancy Pelosi…who wouldn’t be???????????????????”
wrecked my day RD. Pitwewy.
Better watch it Chucklehead … it’s loaded with right wing bile.
“Watch it, my attitude’s contagious… Dick Cheney was happy-go-lucky until he met me.”
Bush caused this canyon to crack open? what are you, some kind of a joker?
I don’t care if you are a messiah, you may not fly over to the North Rim.
No sir, you can’t do that, this park is already nationalized.
You want to change the name to Obama’s Canyon?
With the kind of friends you hang around with, you shouldn’t worry about our scorpions and rattlesnakes being harmful Sir.
“We’re renaming it to Sotomayor’s Wise Crack”
What? No I’ve only worked here one year but the desert ages a person.
Ranger Duffy: “Well, I was born in Finland…moved to Sweden…then on to Canada. Finally, I moved here to take this job as I was told the health care was better”
Ranger Duffy: “Before we start young man…I got an unsolicited e-mail the other day..from the White house. Can you ask Gibby how they got my information?. Oh, and tell him to skip a meal too, the boy has a quite the turkey waddle.”
By the way, Mr. President, changing the subject. Can you mandate a federal law that will order “Outside the Beltway” to issue ‘markm’ a first place win?
Now elliot….I don’t need no stinkin’ mandate (but i’d accept one). If I had a nickel for every time i’ve won…well, i’d have some nickels.
Ranger Duffy: “Now that Favre plays for Vikings, I hope they kick the Bears ass!!”
“I am thinking of one nasty friggin’ grandma who might look swell at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.”
Just playing with you. It’s nice to win or even place but I don’t mind if it gets spread around to everyone even well, …maybe – Heh heh
Good Luck this week.
Shish on the Lion stuff, some ONE might be reading this, and I don’t think we can afford another trillion dollar bailout!!!
Lucky streaks come and go… 🙂
He’s a Bears “fan”. Could you imagine the townhall meetings trying to sell that?!?!?. Bloodshed. Besides, the Lions are on FIRE…in the pre-season.
Ranger Duffy: “Any chance you guys will do one of those totally asinine PR stunt flyby’s with Air Force One but this time declassify the photo’s??…no?”
Yes I said like animals Mr. President, but I really don’t know much about lions…and I’m not to sure what a czar does…But what the hay…when do I start?
“Don’t pull the plug on grandma. But grandpa, heck, he has to go.”
You mark my words, son, the First Lady in those short shorts will make news.
No, we’re not near the San Andreas Fault, but according to Joe Biden you’re a quakebuttock.
Dirty Harriet: You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk?
Son, are you stupid?
Can I get your autograph? My grandkids’ll never believe I met Bozo the Clown!
I want a refund!
Haven’t I seen your picture at the post office?
(Day one at the new Obamacare proctology clinic): Am I a real proctologist? No … but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
(Day two at the new Obamacare proctology clinic): Gloves? Bwahahahahaha ….
Lie down in front of which bus?
In those days, the doctor would tell us to drop our drawers and bend over. It was the beginning of socialized medicine.
No Mr. President, it’s MY park, I just let you walk through it.
I can’t put my finger on it … but there’s something fishy about you.
I’ll show you my birth certificate, if you show me yours?
Hey, you’re funny, Mr President. “Is Old Faithful the worlds biggest bidet?”
Ranger Duffy: “Boy, with all the mixed messages coming out the Sunday talk shows i’d have to say that Brett Favre is more decisive than your administration*”
*New first…I borrowed that line…should I win with it…I can live with that 🙂
Ranger Duffy: “QUICK QUIZ…what’s my finger smell like?”
Obama: “..uh…it still…uh…smells like Nancy Pelosi?”
Ranger Duffy: “NO…sicko. H1N1..just came down with it”
Ranger Duffy: “UH-OH…look up there. Looks like Joe Biden is getting shot down in is helicopter again”
Ranger Duffy: “Well, given recent comments…why don’t you go check out the geyser on your own. Go it alone so to speak…”