Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
REUTERS/Seth Wenig
Winners will be announced Monday PM
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European Union,
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Hey Clown, Quit playing with your food!!
Cat-blogging on the internet has officially jumped the shark.
Much as with Michigan J. Frog, Laurence Simon’s cats would perform astounding feats and tricks whenever the CatCam was not pointed at them.
It was then that Joe was taught a lesson about feeding your cat too many greens.
Use #102…
More evidence from her past that Harriet Meirs is qualified as a Supreme Court nominee.
A moment later, everyone discovered it was not a cat, but a skunk.
Tim Burton’s forthcoming remake of The Cat in the Hat makes some significant plot changes from the original.
All in all I think I’d rather see a Tim Burton remake of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Harriet Miers couldn’t believe Senators insisted she resubmit her survey questions. But, she threw herself to the work with a gusto.
“Good Lord – I’ve heard about this – cat juggling! Stop! Stop! Stop it! Stop it! …”
The Bush whitehouse demonstrates its ability to balance tne budget.
Scientific studies prove that nearly ten out of ten cats relieve themselves while doing handstands.
The Mirage takes a chance on Siegfried’s new solo act.
Cingular demonstrates its new model wireless cell phone for pet lovers.
The last known photo of “Sophie the Wonder Cat” before the pair of pit bulls came upon the scene!
Teddy Kennedy reveals his solution to all the world’s problems… magic!
By that evening Fluffy had had quite enough. When they got home he sprayed Bobo’s best clown shoes.
“It’s a Manx? But then that’s his . . .”
Undercover CIA agent “walks back the cat” to nab the source of the forged Niger memo. Agent says only one person knew to link the color of his pants and the solution to the anagram.
John Tesh balances Jay Leno’s Cat on :CBS , : Stupid Pet Tricks from David Letterman’s Show !
With much excitement and fanfare, the new Democratic Party mascot, “Phil the Puss”, is unveiled. The announcement of the mascot’s name created an embarrassing moment when Sen. Kennedy, cradling a near-empty Chivas bottle and sitting at a nearby table with an unidentified female, fell out of his chair laughing and yelled, “Don’t mind if I do!”
You have to ask yourself what sort of person would first think of the idea, have the personality to convince the cat to undergo the training, and then spend the time training the cat. Finally you want to know why someone would waste such talent in this way. But then you notice the clothes and you understand what loneliness can do to an old man.
The search for a new FEMA Director is over.
Sure, the Democrats may have no new ideas for running the country, but they can sure put on a good show!
No signs of intelligent life are found on the other side of the Bridge to Nowhere.
And then, in a brilliant sleight of hand move, Bush made Miers disappear.
Clearly misreading the taunts being thrown at him by others, a young Liberace attempts to demonstrate that he is in fact not afraid of p***y.
The NYT editor, Bill Keller, finally gained access to Judith Miller’s cleverly concealed notes on her conversations with Cheney’s Chief of Staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby.
Look, Senator Kennedy… the Bread and Circuses thing has already been tried, OK?
* I’m telin’ ya, he had that cat in the palm of his hand!
* Unfortunately, Mr. Frisky was unable to bury his owner.
* Bill the Cat’s more energetic brother, Simon.
* (Adv) Mice Krispies – Breakfast food for the healthy cat!
* It was at this point, Tom understood he’d not been playing his bagpipes at all! He hoped nobody would notice…. but the scratches under the arm were a dead giveaway.
* “My cat will fly across the room and land in that bucket!”
* Alas!, Tom, in his attempt to look his best, had used a little too much hairspray.
* Skinny the cat, doing an athletic manuver called… err…. ‘skin the cat’.
* Mr. Dingles had only had a little catnip, or so he said… but he still looked a little stiffer than usual.
Hmmm cat in one hand pink elephant in the other…what you don’t see it?
The aging, tranvestite and former stripper showed that she could still do tricks with her pussy.
Bill Clinton to Vladimer Putin ” So this is your countries idea of hot pussy!”