Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM


(AFP/File/Pius Utomi Ekpei)

Winners will be announced Thursday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. G.A.Phillips says:

    Obama takes another vacation, fishing of the cost of Somalia?

  2. G.A.Phillips says:

    Err, I meant off…….

  3. G.A.Phillips says:

    Obama, Johnson, and Loyd, Halloween costume contest winners?

  4. Chadzilla says:

    I’m on a boat…
    Reference –

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    The guys that Aaron Rodgers feels like his line wasn’t blocking Sunday afternoon?

  6. mpw says:

    The pirates who will steal anything, work out the kinks in the new show.

  7. DL says:

    The Obama civilian navy patrols the Detroit River.

    The new Obama secret service demonstrates the public option for the new 2cd. Amendment.

    Duck hunting on the Detroit River is said to have recently slowed the annual waterfowl migration south.

    The last photo taken of the two drowned security guards.

    The Potomic Patrols prepare for the senior’s march against Obamacare.

  8. Mr. Prosser says:

    Let’s see, thirty pounds of ammo on, two LMG’s strapped on, no life vests – let’s roll!

  9. elliot says:

    Three die hard Phillies fans prepare to step it up a notch …

  10. Rachel Edith says:

    “We’re a bit ragtag but Hillary is safe with us.”

  11. Maggie Mama says:

    After winning the Nobel Peace prize, Obama is more determined than ever to bring a lasting peace to Chicago.

  12. Maggie Mama says:

    As election day approaches, members of the Black Panther Party prepare to stop all incoming ballots from overseas.

  13. Maggie Mama says:

    Although he’s still dithering about Afghanistan, did President Obama decided that a replacement for the USS Sequoia is essential?

  14. Maggie Mama says:

    Finally, we’ve found the Obama death panels!

  15. Brian Knapp says:

    Somali pirates are most identifiable by their rasberry berets…the kind you find in a second hand store.

  16. Maggie Mama says:

    Since becoming CIC, Obama has made several changes in the US military — soldiers must always wear their bling.

  17. kvc says:

    The new Black Panther’s navy mobilizes to insure election fairness in rural coastal areas.

  18. hpb says:

    The Obama civilian navy patrols the Detroit River.


  19. MstrB says:

    Give us your Raiders tickets.

  20. floyd says:

    “Red Hat ladies” is “for women deciding to greet middle age with verve, humor,and elan”…. and you’d better learn to like it!

  21. floyd says:

    “McHale’s Navy” is just not the same without Borgnine, Flynn & Conway!

  22. Michael Hamm says:

    President Pantywaist’s new Civilian Police Force – coming to a town near you!

  23. floyd says:

    Unfamiliar with modern weapons, this Somali pirate finds himself strangled seconds after pulling the trigger.

  24. floyd says:

    Newly commissioned version of the hospital ship “Hope” to provide “Obamacare” for the elderly!

  25. floyd says:

    Finally!! Flu Shots for the elderly as promised!Line up Gramma!

  26. yetanotherjohn says:

    Issac my man, so this is the gig you got after the love boat.

    Now that is some serious bling.

    The photographer won this years award … posthumously.

    The gunman died when the ammo belt strangled him during the fire fight.

    The justice department found no reason to suspect any voter intimidation based on the photos.

    The rebels were persuaded to turn in their weapons based on Obama’s Nobel prize.

  27. Hodink says:

    Guy In Middle ~ “Shiver me timbers! Blow me down! All Hands on Deck!”
    Guy On Left ~ “Hey, where’d your parrot go, matey?”

  28. peterh says:

    Most pirates lived what they called “a short life, and merry,” dying in a battle at sea…..that moment of clarity coming in 3….2….1…..

  29. o/~ A three hour tour… A three hour tour… o/~

  30. Clovis says:

    Party time! We’ve got the kidnapped Captain belowdeck, and it’s not like they’ve got SEALs or anything. Best. Plan. Ever.

  31. Maniakes says:

    Guns don’t kill people. Pirates kill people.

    A rollicking band of pirates we,
    Who, tired of tossing on the sea,
    Are trying their hand at a burglaree,
    With weapons grim and gory.

  32. Elmo says:

    All neocons in the raft.
    Say what?!
    Oh … OK, all neocons please get in the raft. And see, I’m even smiling.

  33. Elmo says:

    Having turned the celebrity world upside down, now community organizer, state legislator (here!), Senator, noted author, Grammy winner, Pwezzidunce, and Nobel laureate … Very Berry Soetero. In a major transformation, sets his sights on the runways of Paris and Milan. With his first GQ spread, hitting newstands the same week as his new CD drops. A bold remake of Right Said Fred’s epic masterpiece.

  34. Maggie Mama says:

    Obama chose his own Secret Service team.

  35. rodney dill says:

    Kwame Kilpatrick’s former security force had to resort to doing odd jobs to make ends meet.

  36. Correction, we do not need a bigger boat.

  37. elliot says:

    Yeah,Yeah! So I missed the memo that said…”Bring your machine gun and some ammo”.

  38. We are here to surrender these weapons. Why do you look like you do not believe me?

  39. A rat-a-tat-tat-amaran.

  40. The Deadliest Catch: Nigeria

  41. He wore a raspberry beret,
    The kind u find covered in third world gore.
    Raspberry beret…

  42. “Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?”

  43. There are no atheists in fo’c’sles.

  44. Elmo says:

    When I call your name, please step forward:

    Limbaugh, Rush

    Beck, Glenn

    Hannity, Sean

    Sowell, Thomas

    Huudintvotforme, Anyone

  45. physics geek says:

    “I’m sailing! I’m sailing!”

  46. Hermoine says:

    “Heyyyyyyy, you too can wear this stylish cap. Check out the website. Don’t shoot another person until you do. Yeah, baby!”