Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko, File)
Winners will be announced Monday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Mechanic: “you can’t be too careful when calibrating the spare gas pedal”
Mechanic: “when working on Toyota gas pedal assemblies, you really want to pay close attention to the carpet fibers in this hinge point.”
Mechanic: “A little tweak right here….and this mo-fo is ready for Bonneville”
“Ah so desu ka, light here is the little sclew I must tighten.”
Soon to be placed on all Toyota dashboards, this new “international symbol” will inform drivers to just “step on the brakes”.
“Bad publicity is better than no publicity” unless, of course, you are Takio Toyoda.
Impressive company uniform: $ 75.00
Sparkling clean plant $ 20.6 million
Congressional investigation: priceless
Christine, in her new incarnation, rolls toward her next victim.
The real problem started at Toyota when a memo leaked out which had a typo and was incomplete….it said “Starting today there will be no brakes..” It was suppose to say “Starting today there will be no breaks (in the afternoon)”
“Me? I was always bored. Not so much anymore.”
After years of language immersion training and many rounds of plastic surgery, Secret Agent Padraig O’Halloran from the Action Arm of the UAW was finally able to put his cunning plan into action.
Well there’s your problem. The pedal goes in the car.
Is this an example of a foreign worker doing a job an American won’t do?
Now you know why we want robots to install the pedals.
This pit crew is the pits.
The pit crew was trained by James “Captain Slow” May himself.
Hideki works on an ankle assembly for Toyota’s newest line: The Killbots.
As a show of faith, this Toyota employee works on the part while standing in front of the car.
This week there was good news and bad news. The good news first: Japanese engineers are working 24/7 to correct all of Toyota’s problems. The bad news: Not even a team of brilliant MIT graduates could fix America’s new healthcare bill.
(Aside to Roger, that wasn’t a show of faith….)
Dishonored Japanese engineers are committing hara kiri by standing in front of defective autos.
Me a qualified mechanic? No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.
Obama prepares the shofar, in advance of his attack on Jerusalem.
A mechanic at TPE (Tea Party Express), having already taken his keys. Removes Obama’s gas pedal, for good measure.
Gas pedal’s connected to the throttle body
Throttle’s body connected to the engine
Engines connected to the drive shaft
Drive shaft’s connected to a carbide boring bit
Boring bit’s headed for you posterior
Now bend over and hear the word of Obama
I can see the problem now. Congress is Stuck on Stupid.
Insert pedal A), into throttle linkage B). Use provided fastener C). Depress pedal, driving country off of cliff.