Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AP Photo/Houston Chronicle, Nick de la Torre)
Winners will be announced Monday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Worker at Mt. Rushmore: “Making room for Barack is going easier than I thought it would..”
Worker guy: “This is a piece of cake…but i’m still not sure how we are supposed to remove “IN GOD WE TRUST” off all the money”
Worker guy to reporter: “Well, this is what happens to peasants when they don’t pay their taxes on time”
Worker guy to reporter: “…well, in a nutshell, we are doing what we call an inverse Ashley Dupre…”
(self splanitory me thinks)
Ah, there’s nothing like a low load head.
I told you our Founding Fathers would be destroyed if they knew how the Obama Administration was dissembling our constitutional rights.
“..Wish I could rewind
Now I lose my mind
Now the feeling’s dead
and I lose my head”
(Courtesy Lion’s Share)
You want Palin in the Oval Office? You want Reagan on a fifty? You’re going to reelect Bachmann? Put me back on the mountain when this is all over.
It’s official: Washington has lost its mind.
Beheadings went to extremes once Muslims took over the USA.
Mission accomplished. The Obama Regime has decapitated liberty.
Fighting land foreclosure: Better to quit while you’re a-Head
Zardoz II: The Tea Party Revolt
“It sang to us in a hushed tone,’Carry me back to old Virginny.'”
First went Churchill, now Washington. Is Lincoln next?
(Rodney, the spam catcher keeps grabbing an entry with a Youtube link. What’s the best way to deal with this?)
Ahhhh, Washington, Washington …
(An oldie but goodie, NSFW:
There is only one President who’s head is even bigger.
Mecha lecha hi mecha hiney ho …
Looking out across the Capitol steps, Speaker Pelosi exclaims, “They might be giants!”
Everything really is bigger in Texas.
Cut straight from Mt. Rushmore the First Lady ordered this as a centerpiece for her Celebrity Luncheon at the White House.
Futurama is real!
What? Pres. Obama said heads would roll.
Pres. Obama orders a new Washington Boobblehead for his office.
The first U.S. Constitutional President is being replaced by the nation’s first unconstitutional president.
While it turned out that the left was correct about talk radio fomenting political revolt, few suspected it would come in the form of giant founding-father mecha.
Go forth, and work on the shovel-ready projects! Zardoz has spoken.
Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.
OK, we fill it with Tea Partiers and leave it on the front steps of the White House. Then when they bring it inside we attack and take over the government.
Revisionist History: George Washington was a stoner.
A paperweight worthy of the Health Care Bill.
More Zardoz… “That whole limited government thing, it was a joke.”
Washington was the first President. There are 42 others whose heads may roll!
One of the original Tea Partiers prepares to travel to DC.
I’m telling you I don’t think this statue is life size.
Acting on intelligence of a potential attack, one of the Mount Rushmore president’s will always be at a secret location.
I guess being the father of a country would give anyone a big head.
If you blow in his ear, you can hear the ocean in his left nostril.
Stop, thief.
Under RICOH statute provisions, all of Mount Rushmore was seized after drug dealing was found among the park rangers.
You know, he doesn’t look nearly as large when you take him down off the mountain.
Missed president’s day sale by that much.
Sarah Palin claimed she saw George Washington’s head spin shortly after the health reform bill passed.
Remember the good ole days when “head parking” was mandatory.
Worker guy: “It comes down to an over taxation issue…I mean, you’d think he’d be gratful”
(ref to Obama’s speech on tax day)
“Peter, I can see your house from up here!”
The pilot for the new TV series George Headroom opened to mixed reviews.
Worker one: “So, what do we do now?”
Worker two: “I say we just bust a move. Get it? … Hey, what’s that face for?”
* King George finally wins.
* All that remains is making a silver platter that big.
It was going great until the volcanic ash and lightning.
Workers put the finishing touches on the George Washington Christmas ornament, which will be placed on the tree outside of Rockefeller Center this December.