Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced Monday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Ohhh Lula – Lincoln Bedroom, tonight, after I tuck Gibbs in.
Obama: “As a further sign of my good faith, from hereon in I thought I’d even let you carry ‘the football’ cause I won’t use it.”
“One small step for me, one huge tumble for American superiority.”
“I have gone where no other American president would have dared to tread.”
“Yes, yes, I know you love me … but what are you hearing from the rest of the world?”
About an hour later da Silva noticed his wallet was missing.
Obama thought bubble:
His booty is like a ripe peach!
Obama: Is that an ICBM in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
Ahmadinejad from off-stage: “GET A ROOM!!!”
[Background music]
You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips.
And there’s no tenderness, like before, in your finger tips…
Each other is thinking: Hmmmm, is that a bra strap I feel? I knew there was something I liked about this guy.
“I love you Santa”
“Ummm,we need to figure out who should lead.”
Obama: “I’m glad you took the lead, I don’t now the Nuclear Dance that well.”
“Is that a Nuclear missile or are you just happy to see me?”
“Obama practices his Gay’s In The Military proposal.”
Obama: “I thought there were two t’s at the end of Summit.”
Obama: “Let me CHANGE into something a little bit more comfortable.”
Whaddya know! You can hug with nuclear arms!
The nuclear summit begins with ceremonial bilateral nuclear inspections of the delegates.
“Brothers don’t shake hands. Brothers gotta hug!”