Caption Contest

Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AFP/DDP/Michael Urban)

Winners will be announced Monday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. The effects of global warming on Santa were a sad sight to behold.

  2. Santa Claus: “Sad?! A sad sight?! Stephen, you are such a freakin’ liberal! Have you ever had to live in -120 degree weather 51 weeks and 6 days out of the year?! In fact, SUV’s for everyone this year! HO! HO! HO!”

  3. dammit.. steVen

  4. Anderson says:

    “WHOA, Dancer, WHOA, Dasher, WHOA, Prancer and Blitzen! WHOA, Comet ….”

  5. Sgt Fluffy says:

    Santa’s brief stint as an exibition water skier in the off season just didn’t pan out.

  6. The Man says:

    Ho Ho Ouch ohhh

  7. The Man says:

    ESPN Presents the X-mas Games

  8. While Santa continued to cut the wages of the Toy Making Elves and out-sourced more toy manufacturing to China every year, he never did f**k with the Sleigh Maintenance Guild again.

  9. Weekend At Santa’s

  10. Bithead says:

    * Ah, that old “Slippery Slope” argument again.

    * What passes for waterskiing at the North Pole

  11. yetanotherjohn says:

    Why southerners will never understand northerners: You take a jolly old elf and drag him through ice cold water and consider that entertainment.

  12. John Burgess says:

    The “Carriage turns into a Pumpkin at Midnight” spell appears to have gone awry, crossing continents and mythos…

  13. Kenny says:

    Santa was not satisified by the lack of speed to which FEMA organized his escape. Bushitler and Roveco would get no new toys this flooded year.

  14. Ho Ho Holy Shcnike

    Santa decided on alternate transportation for his deliveries to Hawaii.

  15. McGehee says:

    “WHOA, Dancer, WHOA, Dasher, WHOA, Prancer and Blitzen! WHOA, Comet ….”

    You win, Anderson.

    Don’t faint, okay? 😉

  16. T. Harris says:

    Across the thick crick
    A slick trick did St. Nick.
    But it made him real sick
    When he realized quite quick
    That cold dick was not a good schtick.

  17. Elmo says:

    In heaven’s name why are you walking away
    Hang on to your love
    In heaven’s name why do you play these games
    Hang on to your love

  18. Buckeye Kev says:

    I yelled to my reindeer
    “Take the speed up a notch”
    Then to the water I fell
    exposing my crotch.
    -Twas the Night Before the Night Before Christmas

  19. Rodney Dill says:

    The modern day Santa Claus, based from both the North and South Poles, provides further visual evidence that the Bi-Polar should not be allowed to fly.

  20. Elmo says:

    Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
    Right down Santa Claus Lane.

    Vixen, Blitzen, all his reindeer
    Pulling on the reins.

    What a beautiful sight.
    Jump in bed and cover up your head,
    Because Santa Claus comes tonight.

  21. Scott T says:

    Those fancy-pants elfs could equip me with a wetsuit, but could they of whipped up some skis at least? NOooooOOOooooo.

    Tim Allen did not approve of this script change in Santa Clause 3.

    Santa after falling off the sleigh: “Faster, Faster, their are gators in these waters!”

  22. Anderson says:


    You win, Anderson.

    Don’t faint, okay? 😉

    Sorry, I only win Supreme-Court-related captions. It’s that “legal humor” class I took in law school.

  23. Bithead says:

    * When the septic tank backed up into the yard, Chris felt he had to make the best of a bad situation.

  24. Bithead says:

    * Painting; Santa Waterskis. Paint on Canvas, by I.C. Waters, 1972.

  25. Bithead says:

    * The cause of death was not injuries due to waterskiing as originally thought. Police reported the Elf to have a Junglebell lodged in his throat.

    * Oh, NO! The LIST!

    * Whoa!! Santa is doing the forbidden dance!

    * Santa finally got the elves to row faster

    * Daddy! Santa missed and landed in the cesspool agin!!! Git the boat!!

    * (Obligitory Trek:) Shaka, when the sewers backed up.

    * (Extra Credit Trek:) Odo in disguise on Founder’s Lake in the Annual Trek Christmas Show

    * (Obligitory Python:) See the loveli lakes

  26. Mr. Right says:

    Dec. 24, 2005: Santa’s visit to New Orleans turned out to be a little more eventful than in past years.

  27. Adjustah says:

    As the infiltration went from bad to worse, Bond was now positive that Q-Branch were still pretty pissed at him…

  28. FreakyBoy says:

    Try as he might to improve his Holiday Q-rating, Santa just can’t figure out the “walking on water” gig.

  29. Adjustah says:

    The elves hated it when Rudolph would get wasted on Red Bull and vodka…

  30. Anodyne says:

    “Well, so much for aftermarket sleigh hitches.”

  31. McCain says:

    Ho ho, tis usually Mrs. Claus who is wet.

  32. Hodink says:

    “A discovery today reveals the perpetrators of crop circle formations. Perhaps most amazing was the unexpected involvement of Santa Claus.”

  33. DaveD says:

    Santa was forced to investigate alternative means of transportation after PETA had his reindeer removed on animal cruelty concerns.

  34. Snow damnit! I said I liked snow skiing! Aaaarrrggghhhhh!

    Kris Kringle’s Ski Katastrophe Kancels Kristmas Holiday Season

  35. It’s the prophecy!

  36. Oooh, that’s going to leave a snark.

  37. dougrc says:

    Dang it! I should have known it when they said the lift tickets were only 20 bucks!

  38. Hermoine says:

    And today Santa, Humpty Dumpty and Mario Lemieux had their genes combined at the River Seine in Paris.

  39. All captions aside, there has to be something seriously wrong with this picture. Look at the angle of the rope (is he being pulled by a plane?) and the fact that there isn’t ripple one in the “water”.

  40. Rachel Edith says:

    Ricky Martin gets some real Ay Ay Ay after showing up singing Ay Ay Ay, It’s Christmas.