Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
This one might be a little more challenging

Winners will be announced Thursday PM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
This one might be a little more challenging
Winners will be announced Thursday PM
I can do a better Ray Charles than Jamie Fox!
“I will ask you one last time Princess, WHERE is the Rebel base” (heavy breathing)
“You will stop asking stupid questions; you will stop asking stupid questions; you will stop asking stupid questions.”
“You can’t even see the strings on my marionettes, you fools!”
I was going to go with something along the hypnotize them lines…but Brandon Jayson already did a fine job.
So cast my vote for his caption:
“I’ll get you my little pretty, and your little dog, too!”
“Palmolive people. It really is soft on hands and washes a lot more dishes. This is what I got for not listening to that bitch Madge back in the 80’s.”
“That is enough of your mouth on me baby Bush. Get down on all fours right now so that you can experience a true, good, Rummy assault.
“Your whores have been leaking to the press that I am going to be history in a few months. This will teach you not to insult me like that any more!
“And stop whining like that silly old man of yours. You remember Abu Ghraib, don’t you? This will make sure you never forget.”
“Abra-carab-daba – and “poof” they are gone ? Nope it’s Abu gharaiba ca – and assume the position, bozo…..”
No, the Old Europeans are about this high – sort of hobbit high…..oh, and they often travel in pairs……
“Honey, there I was at the Super Bowl doing the wave.”
A scene from the 43rd Harry Potter movie… “Harry Potter and the Vanishing Press Corps”
“No kidding – I put the fear of the collective into the minds of those freaky politicos in Old Europe when I sneak up behind them and place one hand on each shoulder and shout either “resistance is futile” or “look, no hands !””.
If your neck wasn’t this big I’d come down there and choke the snot out of you!
Parker Bros. is producing my new board game, “Ouijagon.”
“…and now here’s my Jack Palance imitation: Believe it … or NOT!‘”
Howard Dean watching Rumsfield on TV:
I’m Waiting, I’m Waiting, I’m Waiting, when is that Lightning going to come out of his fingers!!
I’m watching Star Wars Episode 3 right?
I’ve been working in DC since the lot of you were this tall.
Dang it Scott T….
“And now, young Skywalker…you will die!”
“No! No! No! In dragon style the hands are like this!”
“I tried to introduce Mr Moore to the Rumsfeld Strangler, but I couldn’t fit my hands around his neck.”
“OK, one more time. It’s really not that difficult.
I said that we now know what we didn’t know when we didn’t know what we know now. But that we still don’t know what we don’t know now. You know?”
Another sterling performance by Donald Solti Rumsfeld.
We did smoke over Baghdad……Da…Da…DAA….
Ta..TA..Da.DA.(old heavy rock tune)
Ooohhh…can’t touch this!!
We aim for more then a cheap magician’s trick of levitation…
We seek to inspire nation’s peoples to lift up themselves.
[insert screeching sound from invasion of the body snatchers, 70’s movie version]
“Okay? Next, you knead the dough like so. What? Listen, smartass, I learned this one from Martha in exchange for a congeniality lesson.”
Meddle not in the affairs of wizards….
So, I said “OK, (zap) You’re a ham sandwich!”
“These are not the answers you are looking for!”
Chorus reply: “These are not the answers we are looking for!”
Continuing the Star Wars theme…
“Now, Press Corps, you will pay for your lack of vision!” cue lightning
“So, you see, former President Clinton dared me to touch her, you know, like this… and the rest was history. Man, that was one crazy party.”
Old photo; I’ve had a caption with it for some time, hanging on my desk:
“Adequate troops on the ground are *nothing* compared to the power of the Dark Side!”
You could do a good “Separated at Birth” with it too, if anyone’s got a pic of Emperor Palpatine zapping Luke in Episode VI.
* Any sufficiently advanced technology…
* Damn it, George… I’m a defense secratary, not a magician….
* If you think THIS is cool, honey, wait until you see what I can do with my magic WAND…(Wiggles eyebrows)
BRAINS! Must…have…BRAINS!!!
There are many magic rings in this world, Bilbo Baggins, and NONE of them should be used lightly.
“You’re not a god? Then DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Me? I’m a breast man, myself.
The WIZARD OF DEFENSE emerged from behind the curtain to grant …
BRAINS to the leader of North Korea,
COURAGE to the people of Iran,
and a HEART to all seeking freedom in Lebanon.
Bling Bling! Who dat gots my bling bling?
Donald Rumsfeld’s shadow puppets
“Then the pirate goes ARRRRRRR Matey!”