Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
One of several pictures seen on Little Green Footballs by
Sgt. Fluffy and sent to James Joyner. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi
Winners will be announcedshot Monday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turbans
No, Sally Field, that’s not Flying Nuns…it’s Flying Burkas.
You thought Catholic school was hard?
Anything you can do I can do better–with your permission–and the grace of Allah–if the Mullahs allow–if you tell me to do it.
The Tehran Cowboys Cheerleaders!
Martha’s Minions demonstrate their new Martha Stewart Extreme Wedding, combining the elegance of advanced assault weapons skills, the simplicity of one-color fashion, and the New Martha attitude she picked up during her recent sabbatical.
If one of these women asks if her outfit makes her look fat, say nothing and take cover.
Female members of Harvard’s faculty prepare for action against Larry Summers following the latest no confidence vote.
With membership declining and more women electing to become homemakers, the National Orgaization of Women has decided to use a more forceful approach to promoting feminism.
Pictured on the right, Ali “Alice” Mahammud is thankful for the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Says Alice, “I’m just grateful for the chance to put on a burka and carry a gun just like any other Iranian gal.”
The new Mel Gibson film … Birdlike Bugaboos
Yahoo-Pictures: Iranian SAS officers (Specialist Armed Sisters) practice storming a building to rescue Iranian hostages from European terrorists.
Ashadi al Hamidi, far right in this photo, was described by a neighbor as “a quiet woman who kept to herself.”
Star Wars Episode VII: Attack of the Jawas.
I can’t comment, its just too good
How does she rappel so modestly?
Inshallah Spray Starch for the active woman!
Yo, I think I can see under her burka.
Delta Burqa
“Cheeseburqa, Cheesebourkha, Cheeseburkha, Cheeseburga, Cheeseburqua”
Seen here the deck and rock wall on the cutting edge Islamic cruise ship.
Unbeknownst to the women joyously celebrating Supreme Mullah Day, orders had come from above to swiftly punish those not participating with enough vigor. God Willing.
“Pie Iesu domine, dona eis requiem.”
Despite considerablr fighting skills, the lionesses for Allah still aren’t allowed to drive.
We’re not the Persian People’s Front. We’re the People’s Front of Persia!
Just some of the virgins awaiting the faithful in paradise.
The Virgins Regiment created to exclude its members from being one of the 72 virgins awaiting the suicide bomber in paradise.
Private school one-upsmanship.
“Nuns with rulers my ass. . . Bring it.”
The Khomeni High drama team, here seen practicing their rendition of “Peter Pan.”
In backgroud, Jodi Potter (Pictured back, right) proclaims “I believe in fairies!”
CIRQUE DU SOLEIL presents … La Nu Clear
“Get Your Hillary 2008 Merchandise Here.”
And now for a special one night performance, Ayatolla and the Flying Burkettes, performing the Kalishnikov Rhapsody in C minor.
Tell Dr. Evil, I really don’t care for those Iranian Fembots!
So this is what happened when they banned Midol, Daddy?
“Look! It’s the Ninjahadeen!”
In the headlines today, new fuel was given both sides in the argument over Women in Combat when Army Headwarters were invaded and overrun by the Burka Brigade.
Playboy’s Girls of the Islamic Guard edition was their worst seller to date.
“I’m just saying, as a visiting American, that it was the weirdest fire drill I ever saw.”
How long is this bootcamp?