Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Monday, March 28, 2005
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Thursday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
“Hey Ma, how ya doin’? Just wanted to call and tell you that I have finally found the perfect woman for me. And whoa, can she ever hug good.”
Oh we’ll worship mighty Kali
Though embracing her is folly
She’s quite an armful, golly!
And that’s good enough for me.
Give me that old time religion…
What is the sound of 40 hands clapping?
Asian scientists demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the right to bear arms.
I wanna hold your haaaands, I wanna hold your hands!
Sweet Caroline once again demonstrated the important of having “hands reaching out, touching hands, touching you, touching me.”
“Where are all men, where are all men.
Here we are, here we are.
How are you this morning, very well we thank
Discussion was fast and furious at the ASL convention held in Atlantic City earlier this week.
Desperate Democrats have come up with a new solution to “show of hands” votes in the Congress.
Suicide Bomber standing at the Gates of Hell: “No, no, no. Nobody said anything about 72 hands!!!!!”
Chinese scientists report the first successful human cloning. There appear to be slight superficial differences with the original, but what he heck!
Yup, Rosie O’Donnel’s new massuese from Bangkok knew she’d have her hands full….
Say what you like about the expansiveness of the Mexican Wave, but wait until you see the compact precision of the Thai Wave.
The further up the Irrawaddy River that the travelling production of “The Vagina Monologues” ventured, the more seemed to be just lost in translation……..
“The King And All Twenty Of Us”
….”Twenty Brides For Twenty Brothers” ?
The New York Yankees have announced their starting pitcher for the opening game of the season. In a surprise move, they’re going with the 28 year old 40-hander…
The photographer’s cover picture for the classic book “A Farewell to Arms” didn’t quite meet the publisher’s expectations.
The study of the common centipede has rocked evolution to the core, showing that while most humans may have evolved from primates, the Chinese have evolved from the centipede.
If you’re happy and you know it, please let me know so I can put some earplugs in first, okay?
“And this is Agent Kanya, 007. As you might have guessed, hand-to-hand combat is one of her specialities…”
(I would additionally like to note, just for the record, that the lameness of the pun is – for once – fully intended. It is a James Bond reference, after all.)
Quan, at “U-Pick-Colour” (must be said w/ Chinese accent) fainted when she saw her new customer walk in the door.
If I hear one more “can I give you a hand” joke”….
“oooh! oooh! Pick me! Teacher, Pick me!
We are still researching why shares of Lee Press On Nails surged in anticipation of their earnings release this week.
Agent Kanya
Obviously her full name is Kanya Linda Hahn.
nyuck nyuck nyuck
Meet Lady Speed Stick’s number one customer…
May I have a show of hands please? Do we or don’t we have nuclear arms?
A case against government hand-outs…
On sale at K-Mart, the improved version of the Goddess Shiva was introduced today by Donald Trump and Martha Stewart.
U Bin Tak-Kin was disappointed in his Parent’s Arranged Wedding to future fiance Shia Bee Reel Handdee (pictured)!U Bin’s is an avid Multiple Foot Worshiper !
Hey , Bunny ! I am not into being an Arms , man !I’m into being an Gams , man ! Kindly kick off those heels and dance barefoot for me, honey !!
Behold! the goddes of bitch slappin’
Wide Receiver first picked.
Presenting the Working Mom of the Year!!!