Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
(AFP/Jim Watson)
Sadly this contest will continue for one week as Rodney will be taking a respite from captioning, The OTB Caption Jam will also be absent this week-end.
Winners will be announced Thursday PM (The following week)
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Better Reds than dead.
The President fails to see the irony in his choice of attire at the ‘Dunk Putin’ booth at the county fair.
The windup ….. the pitch, why it looks like an immigration splitter folks!
“Watch me paste this pathetic palooka with a powerful paralyzing perfect pachyderms percussion pitch.”
To himself: Don’t throw like a girl…don’t throw like a girl.
“George WALKER Bush”
Matt Kata screams furiously from the dugout, demanding his roster number back.
Hoooollllddd still there John F-ing Kerry. I’ve got a special pitch just for you.
Hey Nancy…..Catch!!!
Helen Thomas thought that Bush’s offer for her to catch the opening pitch was the beginning of a charm offensive by the administration. But then she got a look on his face just before he threw the heat.
“Folks, we’ve seen it many times. This boy knows how to throw a curve ball.”
A Commander-in-Chief’s best friend: a four-seamer high and tight.
Bushes like balls.
The President has clearly chosen sides in the Reds State — Blues State battle.
The President winds up and delivers a high, hard one under the chin to the Blues leadoff hitter, John Kerry.
Gloves are for sissies.
Cubs win their fourth consecutive season opener with a scoring barrage triggered by Jerry Narron’s bizarre decision to allow President Bush to pitch the first three innnings, one for each year since the liberation of Iraq.
“Cheney And Rumsfeld Are Warming Up In The BULL-pen.”
BALCO – giving Presidents a chance at a productive life after the White House.
As Helen Thomas squatted distainfully behind home plate, our President felt honored to throw at the first bitch.
Pleased beyond belief at his good fortune, Bush spent much of the day at the Cindy Sheehan dunk tank.
The President opens a new offensive in the media war, rolling out REDS: Re-Educating Dumb Sh&ts
At the annual softball game President Bush prepares to turn the table on Democrats who are accustomed to facing nothing but underhand softballs from Tim Russert, George Stephanapolous, Bob Scheiffer, and their friends.
Sure, Bush throws out the first pitch for Marge Schott’s old team. Racist!
He’s no Jim Bouton, that’s for sure.
Baseball, hot dogs, applie pie, and Nuke Iran.
Nuke BaBush throws hard, but struggles with his control.
The President threw out the first pitch in Cincinnati wearing a jacket even Warren Beatty could love.
now; i’ll take a job hispanics won’t do for what i’m paid!
Similar to Johnny Damon’s situation with the Yankees, it took awhile for Chewbacca to get used to shaving after moving from Boston to Cincinnati in an off-season trade for a Jedi to be named later.
The President took aim, threw with blinding speed, hit the red lever and dunked Scooter Libby in the water.
Uh huh ….. git summtin on this one hyar, and then maybe I can work a trade to Baltimore? Then I can gitts me summa dat Anna Benson! Yeah Willie Jefferson Clinton, who’s your Daddy now?
“Condi may not want a career in baseball but I’m thinkin’ I still got it.”
Folks, you’re looking at the greatest pitcher of all time. . 4 million strike outs, and NO Balls!
“I’m thinking that when this presidential gig is over, there might be a place on a roster for a good bullpen man like me.”
The President set about teaching Bartolo Colon how to make his pitches. Colon informed the President how to handle his policy on immigration.
“Damn It Dick, I’ll Show You One More Time.”