Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
REUTERS/Eloy Alonso
Winners will be announced Monday PM
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European Union,
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
Former President Clinton limps away after Hillary! finds his latest love-nest.
“Spanish artist Cuco Suarez performs on the streets in Oviedo, northern Spain, April 26, 2006. Suarez carried out his performance art piece called ‘News is written in blood,’ a satire about war and warlords. REUTERS/Eloy Alonso”
…I’m sorry. I can’t beat that.
Ted Kennedy thinks this disguise will keep him from being recognized as he takes a swim in Hyannis. Proving yet again he’s a flaming fool!
The last Duke lacrosse player leaves the party.
Saddam’s defense team complains about yet another unauthorized photo relase of the dictator in his underwear…
While the prosecution maintains that this photo is evidence of a sick and twisted reign of terror…
In a bold move by al qaeda, the terrorist organization releases it’s new uniform that is surely to confuse american soldiers in the coming months
Why They Hate Us™
It was likely ego that kept Rumfeld from critically re-evaluating his concept of a lighter more mobile army.
or as an alternative…..
Tired of talking, Rumsfeld decides to personally demonstrate his concept of a lighter, more mobile army.
U.S. Special Forces have been searching the Iraq countryside for signs of Al-Zarquawi for months now, but the insurgent leader has proven difficult to locate. One unnamed military source spoke of Zarquawi having “an uncanny ability to blend in with his surroundings.”
Michael Moore jumps the shark.
George “The Animal” Steele announces his return in with a bang.
When Kevin Costner’s most recent advances at a getaway resort were shot down, he bypassed Waterworld and the Postman and went Mad Max.
N. F. L. Commissioner Paul Tagliabue Comes From A Meeting With Terrell Owens And Randy Moss.
“Project Runway – Gaza!”
French riot police are still battling pockets of protestors in downtown Paris.
1) “I’m just a hunk, a hunk of burnin love…”
And just as a side note…does anyone else notice what looks like a bat coming out of his rear end?…Wait a minute!
2) After Mahede’s son blew himself up in Baghdad yesterday, Mahede had to take the walk of shame, and an additional “baseball bat corn-holing” because his son “did it in the name of Allah.”
Pat Robertson suggests that we kill off the rest of the Iraqis, ship the gays over there and call the place Homo Land.
Looks like Ted Kennedy is back on the sauce.
The Dutch contingent in the Iraq Coalition Forces may have been small in number, but they made up for it with sheer bravado.
With drought conditions reducing the supply of water, firefighters were forced to sacrifice their clothing in an attempt to smother the flames.
The new Michael Jackson music video, featuring a new look for Mr. Jackson, is called White Hot.
Former president Jimmy Carter walks the streets of Baghdad. Carter, who is in Iraq to negotiate for more peaceful US-Iraqi relations, was advised to dress in such a manner that he would not be identified as an “infidel.”
Star of the big screen Johnny Depp emerges from another typical night in a West Holywood hotel.
All in all, it was about typical for a Skull & Bones hazing ceremony.
John Kerry earns the Silver Star, a memory forever seered into all who were there.
Palestinian Preventive Security Forces replaced their “jumping through flaming hoops” test with a task much more dangerous.
What are the odds
In the picture above which of the pieces of protective equipment being worn is the most necessary?
The thong. I feel safer just for it being there.
The special effects of the upcoming X-3 leaves much to be desired for the “Juggernaut” character.
Ted Kennedy, aka “Ted O”, on the set of his new show,”Jackass the Senator”
Mercury In Retrogade: The later years
Ok Al, we get it. The earth is getting warmer and it’s mans fault.
Maurice was both angry and surprised when Cirque du Soleil rejected his idea for a new act.
“Good morning, Mr. Vice President, Sir! How was your night off?”
As he departed from the office of Michael Jackson’s favorite dermatologist, O.J. declared he would walk through fire to find Nicole’s killer.
Though Elmo hadn’t been barhopping and skirt chasing in some time. He never remembered it as being quite like this.
Iraq finally anounced they had arrived, with the airing of their first Western style reality television program “Hokey Pokey.”
Don’t you understand what I’m tryin’ to say
And can’t you feel the fears I’m feelin’ today
Take a look around you boy
But you tell me over, and over, and over, and over again my friend
You don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction
No, no, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction
Kerry: I voted for it, before I voted against it.
The Dems come out swinging early for 2008.
Reports have surfaced that this is Dan Rather singing, “I’m looking over a four-leaf clover
that I overlooked before.” But the voice sounds much more like Rumsfeld.
I should have listened to Dean Wormer…
I should have listened to Dean Wormer…
I should have listened to Dean Wormer…
(Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life son.”
Dean Wormer – Faber College)
Just when you thought Cheney’s poll numbers couldn’t get any lower . . . .
I’m too sexy for Milan
All the political fighting over the sale of the Washington Nationals to George Soros was taken to another level as Soros announced his plan to hire Bill Clinton as quarterback. His first practice showed why he was not chosen as a tight end.
Despite living with his parents and never having held a job, Francois was inspired by the success of the Islamic Cartoon Jihad and continued to join the riots against the AP reports that French men were no longer considered sexy by the world.
Being a heroin addict, this is how Frank Baum originally conceptualized the Wicked Witch of the East when he wrote “The Wizard of Oz”. Fortunately, he was talked out of everything except the red shoes.
How to know when “Casual Fridays” at work, have gone too far
Charlie Sheen, seen here in a pre-release promotional still, starring in the remake of Apocalypse Now, as Willard. Co-starring Alec Baldwin as Kurtz, Kanye West as Clean, and Daniel Baldwin (in a special work release appearance), as Lance. In theaters April 20, 2007.
* Stockbroker: Full frontal nudity? Yes I’d do it, if it was valid. Or if the money was valid, and if it were a very small part.
* I’ve heard of unisex but I’ve never had it.
(Oops… sorry, wrong sketch. Forget the last one.)
Evil Knievel’s lesser known brother James “Jimmy Sack” Knievel, is shown psyching himself up for his most dangerous stunt to date: jumping a flaming slab of Spanish concrete using nothing but an ass-mounted pogo stick and a retro-Marv Albert Halloween costume.
Evil Knievel’s lesser known brother, James “Jimmy Sack” Knievel, is pictured psyching himself up for his most difficult stunt to date: jumping a flaming slab of Spanish concrete using nothing but an ass-mounted pogo-stick and a retro-Marv Albert Halloween costume.
Evil Knievel’s lesser known brother, James “Jimmy Sack” Knievel, is pictured psyching himself up as he prepares for his most dangerous stunt to date: jumping a flaming slab of Spanish concrete using nothing but an ass-mounted pogo-stick and a retro Marv Albert Halloween costume.
Do these shoes make me look fat?
Jared needs to go back to 6″ subs.
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…
Please, for the love of God, stop getting naked for peace. Please.
I’m too sexy for my clothes, too sexy…
Here we come, walking down the street, we get the funniest looks from every one we meet. Hey, hey, we’re the moonbats!
Stay away from the brown acid.
Evel Knievel starts his comeback.
Why they hate us. Shoot, why we hate ourselves.
Ars non gratia artis.
Mr. Dill was in a picker’s pickle. “This is hell for me. So many good captions. Have to pick.”
Dr. Phil Takes It To The Street!
Spring Time In Paris.
A Walk In The Dark.
Home Land Security In San Francisco
“I Just Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning.”
“Go Long!”
Wishing to avoid any bad publicity, Senator Patrick Kennedy leaves the scene of his 44th DUI with the aid of a borrowed helmet.