Caption Contest Winners
The Rocket to me, Baby Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
(You Sung-Ho/Reuters)
For being a slightly smaller contest than in recent weeks, this one yielded a lot of good puns, and for the first time in a while a tie for first. Congrats to
First(tie): yetanotherjohn – North Korea’s efforts to avoid US anti-missile intercepts were dealt a blow when the driver was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint.
First(tie): McCain – The Cataclysmic Converter is a popular option for the value-conscious Jihadist.
Second: Gollum – Sorry officer, I guess I had the cruise missile control set a little too high.
Third: SgtFluffy – North Korea showcases its new “PT Cruise” Missile
Honorable Mention:
yetanotherjohn – Excuse me Mrs. Von Braun, you might want to have your husband have the emissions checked on your van.
yetanotherjohn – Pulling the suspected terrorists over for an investigation wasn’t exactly rocket science.
DaveD – In an embarrassing oversight, the budget for the South Korean Mobile Defensive Missile Program failed to allot enough funds for change for parking meters.
LorgSkyegon – That damn coyote better have good insurance.
Bithead – The terrorist weapon was impounded for Violations of EPA law.
Eric J – North Korean missile technology was not as advanced as they had led us to believe.
radio free fred – “Stay In The Passing Lane.”
Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel
“The yield… uh I mean the mileage is…”
Montana, maybe it’s not just a mini-van
“Slim Picken’s? I din’t know y’all owned a mini-van.”
I don’t care if you are trying to do the Kessel run in 12 parsecs, you still need to stop for red lights.
“Doppler Smoppler, The top light still means ‘STOP’ no matter what color you see.”
Rodney is packed for vacation and rarin’ to go. Nothing more to see here, move along.
There will be no OTB Caption Contest or Caption Jam for a few weeks so remember to visit some of the other great contest sites from the last Caption Jam.
Oh sure. Just when I pull the unprecedented coup of getting first and two honorable mentions do you decide to put the caption contest on “hold”. Its a vast OTB conspiracy I tell you.