Caption Contest Winners
The Eight Belles Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
(AP Photo/Elise Amendola)
First: Elmo – The good news is …. it’s good Hillary day. The bad news is, we flip the coin again tomorrow.
Second: Deathlok – Hillary announces her running mate.
Third: charles austin – One is a caricature full of hot air, and the other is a clever use of inflated balloons.
Dodd – In a last ditch effort to revitalize her campaign, Hillary! hires another new campaign manager.
Maggie Mama – “Stepford Wife? Who said I come across like a Stepford wife?”
Mister B – For the life of him, Bill couldn’t figure out what happened to all the condoms he purchased.
radio free fred – “The Air To The Throne.”
yetanotherjohn – Stick a fork in her, she’s done.
Gollum – Budget cuts at the Secret Service led to a slightly novel strategy for decoys.
Neither likes pricks.
Oh the huge vanity
OK, we’ll pop her, but she does poll 5 points higher than the real thing.
The Monday Contest also can beat the Orlando Magic.
Woo hoo.
Holey moley …. they’re pulling into my driveway right this second! I cant wait, the Corvette is still on the tilt bed … but dang if she ain’t a real beaut!
First I’d like to thank my eighth grade english teacher, Ms. Diane English. And also my eighth grade history teacher Mr. Gorsuch. But most of all …..