Caption Contest Winners
The Insane Clown Posse Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
The Winners
First: Eric – There’s a reason kids are scared of clowns
Second: The Dread Pundit Bluto – Ahmed came to regret telling Mahmoud that he would “do anything Allah wills” to help finance the Jihad.
Third: Elisson – Mahmoud Abbas announced today that Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades have accepted the conditions laid down by the Palestinian Authority for a “kinder, gentler Intifada. . .with clowns!” Details on the planned Palestinian Petting Zoo are also expected to be released shortly.
Honorable Mention:
Laurence Simon – “No Syrian Intelligence Agents here, little Lebanese boy. Just clowns. Happy, heavily-armed clowns ready to martyr themselves for Allah.”
Literally Retarded – In a single moment, Sally determined to run for Congress.
Brandon Jaynes – The new NRA marketing plan, targeting the 3-8 age group, has been a huge success.
The Monday contest has already started.
More Below the fold
Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel
Who you calling a Bozo, Kid?Clown: “Squeeze my red clown nose.”
Girl: “But that’s not your nose.”Guns don’t kill people, Clowns kill people.
AP BREAKING – In late breaking news today, the World Clown Hall of Fame concluded that Emmett Kelly is no longer the world’s saddest clown.
“Yea, I’m ‘fraid of clowns, but I’m more ‘fraid of Santa, he carries an RPG Launcher.”
I didn’t even get Honorable Mention….I must not be sending in ENOUGH choices!
You can never have too many entries, well almost never.
If I hadn’t missed this one, my caption would have been something about John Wayne Gacy, or Stephen King’s It.
‘Tis a mercy for all concerned.