Monday’s Forum

More Magical Thinking on Covid from the Trump Camp

The Chief of Staff wants to play pretend.

A Record Day for US Covid Cases

Another unwelcome milestone that magical thinking won’t fix.

A Weird Re-election Pitch

Usually candidates don’t talk about how bad things are across the country while appealing to be re-elected.

Doug Jones’ Personal Appeal

Alabama’s junior Senator needs my help.

Line of the Week

Trump’s leadership style encapsulated.

Could Biden Win Texas and Lose Ohio?

The state polling is not lining up along usual patterns.

Saturday’s Forum

Judiciary Approves Barrett Despite Democratic Boycott

Chuck Schumer and company sent a signal to their base against a fait accompli.

President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, July 10, 2020, en route to Miami International Airport in Miami President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, July 10, 2020, en route to Miami International Airport in Miami

No, Trump Isn’t Above 50%

Let’s just say Rasmussen is an extreme outlier.

Final 2020 Debate Less Awful Than Worst Debate Ever

Less Trumpy Trump still Trump.

Friday’s Forum

Making it Harder to Vote

Lots of places in the US don’t make it easy.

The Endless Corruption of the Trump Presidency

Same endless song, different verse.

Thursday’s Forum

COVID Death Rate Declining

A variety of factors have led to better survival chances for those hospitalized with the disease.

Wednesday’s Forum

Headline Reaction

Wherein I revive an old blogging bit…

Does the Constitution Cover Texas?

The Lone Star state is making up its own rules.

27 Million Americans Have Already Voted

Election Day is increasingly a myth.

Trump Gaining Black and Hispanic Voters

Some surprising poll numbers.

Speaking of Poor Public Health Policy

Comparing the White House’s approach to that of sports leagues on testing.

The Pandemic Continues

Reminders from a perusal of the news.

Sunday’s Forum

Saban Cleared to Coach

Three negative tests have overturned an initial false positive.

Election 2020 Snapshot

A Blue Wave still looks quite likely.

Saturday’s Forum

Thoughts on ACB and SCOTUS in General

Some judicial alphabet soup in dialog with my co-blogger.

C-SPAN Suspends Scully

It turns out, he wasn’t hacked. (Spoiler: They’re never hacked.)

Biden Open to SCOTUS Expansion

After weeks of evasion, the frontrunner hints at a compromise policy.

Dueling Town Halls

Instead of a second presidential debate, we got competing TV shows.

Friday’s Forum

Election Night Scenarios

Thinking about what we might know on the night of the election.

Nick Saban Tests Positive

Alabama’s head football coach and athletic director have both tested positive for COVID-19.

NY Post Agitprop

Rudy Giuliani and a hack tabloid are trying to revive the Burisma story.

Thursday’s Forum

SCOTUS Stays Order Requiring Census to Keep Counting

A legally correct ruling based on a lie.

Wednesday’s Forum

Rethinking the 1619 Project

Great journalism can result in lousy history.

SCOTUS Kills Trump Emoluments Suit

The Emoluments Clause is essentially unenforceable.

Tuesday’s Forum

Biden’s Lead is Historic

He has the largest lead of any challenger since modern polling began in 1936.

LeBron Wins Title with Third Team

Give him his damn respect.