Thursday Evening Tabs

Lie down with dogs you get up with fleas edition.

Hitler and OTB

A stroll through the archives.

Comparing Trump to Hitler

The coiner of Godwin’s law gives his blessing.

[Voter Fraud Graphic] [Voter Fraud Graphic]

Voter Fraud Again Proves to be Rare

Even when it is focused on.

Thursday’s Forum

Headline Reaction

Political things are inherently political part the millionth.

Why Trump Will Almost Certainly Stay On The Colorado Primary Ballot

A few predictions that are going to disappoint just about everyone.

Colorado Supremes Ban Trump for Insurrection

A historic ruling likely to be overturned.

Wednesday’s Forum

President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, Monday, October 9, 2023. President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, Monday, October 9, 2023.

Biden Approval at Record Low

He’s at 61 percent disapproval in the lastest Monmouth poll.

Tuesday’s Forum

[Clarence Thomas] [Clarence Thomas]

What Role Have “Gifts” Played In Keeping Justice Thomas On The Supreme Court?

Might not be bribery, but it’s still exerting influence.

Masking Didn’t Become Normal

Or did it?

Fake Nikki Haley Boomlet Continues

The media’s favorite Republican is doing better in some polls than the other candidates losing to Trump.

Monday’s Forum

Immigration Roiling Politics Globally

Those seeking to escape the global south are facing resistance from DC to London to Paris.

Trump Doubles Down on Fascism

The Republican frontrunner continues to use Hitler’s language, praise dictators, and lionize traitors.

Sunday’s Forum

A Photo for Friday Saturday

“Soft and Sharp”

Senate Approves Back Pay For Delayed Military Promotions

Doing the right thing after doing the wrong thing.

The Limits of Ideology

John Fetterman says he’s not a progressive.

Guiliani Ordered to Pay $148 Million

A Pyrrhic victory in one of many cases against America’s mayor.

Saturday’s Forum

Biden and Netanyahu at Odds Over Gaza War

The inevitable has happened.

Friday’s Forum

Mickey Mouse Entering Public Domain (Sort Of)

Steamboat Willie is about to be ripe for exploitation.

Republicans Start Biden Impeachment Inquiry

A shameful farce.

Transgender Teachers Suing Florida Over Pronoun Restrictions

The inevitable pushback against the pushback has begun.

Thursday’s Forum

New York Gerrymander May Be Back

A never-ending saga of politicians choosing their voters.

Wednesday’s Forum

Supreme Court to Hear Trump Immunity Case

The highest court has agreed to expedite a ruling on a novel question.

Tuesday’s Forum

Monday’s Forum

Tabs for a Lazy Sunday Afternoon

An unusual all non-politics edition.

Sunday’s Forum

Thoughts on the US Presidential Primary System

The system isn’t very good.

Privacy, Politics, and Porn

The theory of the Internet clashes with its reality.

US Alone In Support For Israel War Effort

World opinion and American opinion diverge significantly.

Saturday’s Forum

A Photo for Friday

“Sunset in the San Diego Bay”

A Footnote to the McCarthy Resignation

McHenry has no more terms to give to his country.

Lesser-Known Candidates for President

Vermin Supreme and Paperboy Love Prince have as good a chance as Vivek Ramaswamy.

Hunter Biden Indicted for Tax Fraud

He faces up to 17 years in prison.

UN General Secretary Calls for Gaza Cease-Fire

Article 99 meets Catch-22.

The Last of the Young Guns

We won’t have Kevin to kick around any more.

Norman Lear, 1922-2023

A television icon is gone at 101.