Should The Press Pick a Side?

The mainstream media isn’t and shouldn’t become a counterpart to the right-wing infotainment complex.

Tuesday’s Forum

Cashing Out?

Americans have largely stopped using checks and are rapidly doing the same with cash.

Tabs and Takes

Trump Meets The Press

It turns out, he wasn’t all that truthful.

Monday’s Forum

Impeachment Rationalizations

Jonathan Turley’s defense of the impeachment inquiry is not impressive.

Does Comedy Have to be Based on Truth?

Hasan Minhaj is a serial liar. Does it matter?

Impeachment Toothlessness

A political trial for political crimes always yields a political result.

Sunday’s Forum

Colombia’s President Calls for End of War on Drugs

He is seeking a new regional consensus.

Far Right Politics Spreading Across the West

The trend shows no sign of abating.

Saturday’s Forum

A Photo for Friday

“Chit Chat”

The Clown Car Has No Brakes

The MAGA wing is driving us over a cliff.

President Joe Biden drives a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon during a clean cars event, Thursday, August 5, 2021, on the South Lawn Driveway of the White House. President Joe Biden drives a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon during a clean cars event, Thursday, August 5, 2021, on the South Lawn Driveway of the White House.

The Politics of An Auto Strike

The President’s support for labor and aggressive action on climate change are in tension.

Friday’s Forum

Romney’s Indictment of His Party

Calling out a large chunk of the GOP.

Thursday’s Forum

Wayne Maynard, 1948-2023

A longtime friend has passed.

Widely-Sold Decongestant Doesn’t Work

A tale of slow-moving bureaucracy.

The Biden Impeachment Tantrum

The inmates are running the asylum.

Wednesday’s Forum

Tuesday’s Forum

9/11 at 22

Generations of young Americans weren’t alive or have no real memory of the event.

US vs. Google

The Justice Department claims the search giant abused its power.

Biden’s Reverse Midas Touch

His message isn’t getting through. Is it the messenger?

Monday’s Forum

Electoral Fraud in Alabama

A Republican lawmaker pleads guilty.

Enshittification of Streaming

How something so promising became so frustrating.

A Tale Of Two Chinas

Its economic bubble has burst, which may make them more dangerous.

Sunday’s Forum

A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

Biden Administration Overstepped Bounds on Social Media Pressure

The 5th Circuit upholds a lower court ruling but narrows its scope considerably.

Saturday’s Forum

Chinese ‘Exploitation Campaign’

Our pacing threat is hiring military veterans with special skills.

The Contemptuous Navarro

He was convicted of contempt of Congress.

Signs of a Way Forward on Spending?

A shutdown may be averted after all.

A Photo for Friday

“Gathering Storm”

Friday’s Forum

Fight Over Military Promotions Intensifies

There’s no end in sight to an absurd standoff.

Thursday’s Forum

Trump Has Huge Lead With Those Who Won’t Vote

Oh, the irony.

Wednesday’s Forum

Democrats for Christie

A perennial fantasy has a new standard bearer.

Tuesday’s Forum

Florida has to Redraw Districts

So a court has ordered.

Labor Day Forum

Petty Politics Redux

A slight recalibration (although perhaps not the one that was wanted).

When Work Interferes With Work

The push to return to the office comes with domestic consequences.