Sunday’s Forum

A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

Biden Administration Overstepped Bounds on Social Media Pressure

The 5th Circuit upholds a lower court ruling but narrows its scope considerably.

Saturday’s Forum

Chinese ‘Exploitation Campaign’

Our pacing threat is hiring military veterans with special skills.

The Contemptuous Navarro

He was convicted of contempt of Congress.

Signs of a Way Forward on Spending?

A shutdown may be averted after all.

A Photo for Friday

“Gathering Storm”

Friday’s Forum

Fight Over Military Promotions Intensifies

There’s no end in sight to an absurd standoff.

Thursday’s Forum

Trump Has Huge Lead With Those Who Won’t Vote

Oh, the irony.

Wednesday’s Forum

Democrats for Christie

A perennial fantasy has a new standard bearer.

Tuesday’s Forum

Florida has to Redraw Districts

So a court has ordered.

Labor Day Forum

Petty Politics Redux

A slight recalibration (although perhaps not the one that was wanted).

When Work Interferes With Work

The push to return to the office comes with domestic consequences.

Sunday’s Forum

Bill Richardson, 1947-2023

The longtime politician and statesman is gone at 75.

Our Present Petty Polarized Politics

Common ground is, sadly, bad politics.

Jimmy Buffett, 1946-2023

The Gulf and Western singer, songwriter, and mogul has died at 76.

Rank-Ordered Preferences

More thinking about the 2024 GOP primary.

Trump’s Stranglehold on Republican Voters

The base is remaining loyal to the only candidate they think can beat Biden.

Saturday’s Forum

Et tu, Lexington?

The Economist joins the “Biden is too old” bandwagon.

Is Mitch McConnell Still Fit to Lead?

It’s time for transparency on the Republican Leader’s health.

A Photo for Friday


Donald Trump Promises Retribution if Re-Elected

Yet more evidence of an unfit, unstable candidate.

Mitch McConnell’s Health Woes Continue

The Senate Republican Leader had another concerning incident.

Student Loan Forgiveness Done Right

Helping the victims of degree mills.

Giuliani Defamed Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss

A federal court has ruled, now the question is one of damages.

Testing Section 3

State election officials are standing by for challenges to Trump’s right to run.

Wednesday’s Forum

More Stupid Poll Tricks

Corrupt and crazy versus old and confused.

Tuesday Tab Clearing

Some of these have been open for a while…

Trump’s First Federal Trial Set For 2024

For the moment, the “January 6th” trial begins on March 4th, 2024

Stupid Polling Tricks

Americans don’t want either Trump or Biden! Film at 11.

France’s Crackdown on Religious Garb Expands

The abaya is now banned as well.

(Last) Sunday’s Discussion Question Revisited

Wherein I finally reveal my answer (spoiler: it is hardly surprising). And, also, wherein despite the goal of brevity, I fail at that goal.

When Allies Become Heretics

Call-out culture has become a circular firing squad.

Sunday’s Forum

Indictments Are Hurting Trump

The people want a fast trial and think he’s guilty and should go to jail.

Russia Laundering Propaganda Through Western Media

The US government is fighting back, albeit subtly.