Chinese Attack Critical Infrastructure

The US intelligence community and Silicon Valley are warning of a major threat.

Pelosi Desk Guy Gets 4-1/2 Years

Seems about right.

Comment Editing Redux

Continuing to work an annoying issue that WordPress doesn’t care about. At all.

Why Are So Many Republicans Running?

Are they bored? Delusional?

Hump Day Tabs

Speaking of the GOP Primaries…

Faint praise edition.

Glenn Youngkin May Run After All

Virginia’s governor is reportedly taking a shot at the 2024 Republican nomination.

A Depressing Headline

A sign of the times.

This is What War Crimes Look Like

The leveling of Bakhmut is the latest Russian atrocity.

User Registration

The simplest solution to the editing issue.

Kick Russia Off the Security Council?

A bad idea backed up by worse reasoning.

The Changing Nature of the Internet

Why Google isn’t AltaVista.

Putin’s Failed Gambit

He’s turned Russia from a G-8 member to an international pariah.

Comity in the Senate

Every once in a blue moon, a glimpse of humanity can be seen.

Transphobic Cruelty

When prejudice overrides simple humanity.

Age Limits? (not Term Limits)

It is something we need to think about.

Ukraine vs Taiwan

Do we have to pick one?

China Calling in its Loans to Poor Countries

Debt-trap diplomacy has finally come home to roost.

You Wore What to the White House?

The times, they are a-changin’.

Chris Christie 2024?!

Can the fat man take down the elephant in the room?

Chris Sununu 2024

Does a successful, moderate governor stand any chance in today’s GOP?

Streaming Wars Killing Streaming Dream

Disney is making some unwelcome moves.

Alabama Chinese Property Bill Update

The state Senate has amended the bill considerably.

When Does Politics Stop Being Politics?

When we do it, it’s negotiation. When they do it, it’s hostage taking—and terrorism.

Montana Bans TikTok

Who knew they got cell reception?

Chinese Exclusion

A bill in Alabama would bar Chinese nationals from buying property in the state.

Journalistic Ethics and Mangled Quotes

Striking the balance between cruel and misleading.

Taco Bell Sues over Taco Tuesday Trademark

A regional chain registered it in 1989. Has it become generic?

The free high-resolution photo of technology, car, wheel, vehicle, metal, auto, steering wheel, automotive, sports car, supercar, gears, rim, audi, dare, pkw, circuit, passengers cars, gear shift, land vehicle, gear lever, gearshift, automobile make, automotive design, luxury vehicle, family car , taken with an ILCE-6000 02/08 2017 The picture taken with 50.0mm, f/5.6s, 1/200s, ISO 200 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of technology, car, wheel, vehicle, metal, auto, steering wheel, automotive, sports car, supercar, gears, rim, audi, dare, pkw, circuit, passengers cars, gear shift, land vehicle, gear lever, gearshift, automobile make, automotive design, luxury vehicle, family car , taken with an ILCE-6000 02/08 2017 The picture taken with 50.0mm, f/5.6s, 1/200s, ISO 200 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Fee-For-Service Cars?

Will consumers put up with monthly fees on top of hefty sticker prices?

CNN Loses to Newsmax?!

Did the Trump stunt backfire? Or just an anomaly?

Biden Neutral on Turkish Elections

Normal diplomacy with an abnormal ally.

Kyrsten Sinema Mixes Pleasure and Business

Running for office or just running?

Zelensky Privately Wants to Attack Russia Targets

Leaked intelligence intercepts take us inside the Ukrainian war room.

AM Radio’s Slow Demise

Car manufacturers are slowly removing an old format.

Steven Who?

‘Seinfeld’ Ended 25 Years Ago

The show about nothing has a big legacy.