Playing Politics: How Would You Move Democrats To “The Center”

A chance for readers to play political strategists

An Observation About “Classically Liberal” Punditry

“Classical liberals” really need to rediscover self examination

Fear and Censorship in Education

Teachers are frustrated over interference from outside.

Never Trumpers Never Win

Being against something just isn’t enough.

Another Reason to Dislike the Electoral College

“Red States” and “Blue State”

Gary Rossington, 1951-2023

The last original member of Lynryd Skynyrd has died.

National Divorce

The lunatic fringe idea is both appealing and unworkable.

Child Labor and Immigration

Mostly a policy lament.

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Goes Bye-Bye

Disney has replaced a controversial song at its theme parks.

Larry Hogan Not Running for President

The popular former Republican governor of Maryland has correctly assessed his chances.

The Democrats’ Patriotism Problem?!

Whither American civil religion?

A Photo for Friday (on Saturday)


The Experts Were Wrong on COVID

Hubris has set back the cause of science.

Saturday’s Forum

Biden Not Vetoing Popular Bill!

Some Democrats are angry!

Scott Adams Unintentionally Offers Important Political Insight

What’s that phrased about broken clocks?

Sirhan Sirhan Denied Parole Again

Politics and justice are in tension.

Biden Too Old! Trump Pretty Old Too!

Another poll showing the same thing as the other polls.

Thursday’s Forum

Biden Student Loan Forgiveness in Danger

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority is signaling an unfavorable ruling.

Trump Remains Odds-On Favorite for 2024 Republican Nomination

As tired as we may be of him, his nominating electorate appears ready for another round.

Tuesday’s Forum

Rural Hospitals Not Offering Obstetric Care

A growing trend has healthcare professionals and communities concerned.

GOP Candidates Must Sign Loyalty Pledge

A no-brainer that’s brainless.

Monday’s Forum

Self Promotion: An Interview On Becoming Trauma Informed

A brief primer on trauma and a link to an interview and paper on being trauma informed

Dilbert Canceled

Newspapers across the country are dropping the popular strip over a racist rant.

Sunday’s Forum

Weak Parties, Part Gazillion

“The GOP” is not a singular unit.

[Image of a human brain] [Image of a human brain]

The Value Of Cultivating Some Self Doubt

Tips for how to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

NATO Sending Mixed Signals to Ukraine and Russia

Alliance leaders have significantly different priorities regarding the conflict.

One App to Control Them All?

I somehow missed Google’s launch of a service that solves the biggest annoyance of streaming.

Saturday’s Forum

Friday Fiddly Bits

A true hodge-podge.

A Photo for Friday


Friday’s Forum

Most of the World Doesn’t Care About Ukraine

Many in the Global South see the war very differently than we in the West.

Thursday’s Forum

Trump Grand Jury Recommended ‘Multiple Indictments’

The jury forewoman is offering hints.

Seattle Bans Caste Discrimination

A seemingly benign but controversial gesture.

Midweek Tabs

Wednesday’s Forum

Risk, Reward, and Statecraft

President Biden’s dangerous gambit seems to have succeeded.

Tuesday’s Forum