Democrats Upend Primary Cycle. At Least for 2024. Maybe.

South Carolina and Georgia win! Iowa loses! New Hampshire whines!

Chinese Balloon Mania

Tales of threat assessment and media reactions.

China Aiding Russia in Ukraine War

The PRC is skirting sanctions to supply a frienemy.

Jupiter Keeps Adding Moons!

The science-education gap.

Saturday’s Forum

Can Bloggers Be Replaced by AI?

You be the judge.

Labor Saving Technology That Creates More Work

ChatGPT is just the latest example of a perverse phenomenon.

Good Jobs News

A Photo for Friday

“Orange Sunset”

Christine McVie’s Quiet Greatness

A long-form podcast recommendation.

The Electric Mismatch

Cheap, big, fast: pick two.

Thursday’s Forum

Tom Brady Retiring Again

The Greatest of All Time is hanging up his cleats a year too late.

Nikki Haley Running for President

Someone has stepped up to challenge former President Trump.

Trumpy Tabs for Tuesday

Because I had a lot of open tabs.

OTB at 20

A look back at two decades of blogging.

Tuesday’s Forum

Ukraine: Too Much Is Not Enough

The appetite for more resources approaches infinity.

Monday Morning Tabs and Takes

Leftovers from last week and over the weekend.

Looking to the 2024 Senate Map

A tough map for the Democrats.

The Paul Pelosi Video

Why was it released to the public?

Signs and Portents

Trump is still in the GOP driver’s seat.

Right-Wing Musical Chairs on Satellite TV

Weirdly, politicians who don’t understand the debt ceiling also don’t understand other things.

General Preparing for War With China!

Playing two-level games.

Saturday’s Forum

A Photo for Friday


Approval Polling and Starting to Think about 2024

Some numbers from the Emerson poll.

More Mass Shootings than Days in 2023

Some depressing stats.

Students Protest Harvard’s Comaroff Again

Understandable outrage at administrative complicity.

Gay Wedding Cake Baker Back in Court

Here we go again.

Tabby Thursday

A little debt ceiling, a little higher ed, and other misc delights.

U. S. Sending Abrams Tanks After All

An object lesson on the challenges of alliance politics.

Thursday’s Forum

Lackadaisical Handling of Secrets by Top Officials

It’s becoming a sad joke.

We’re Doomed! Doomed!

We’re all gonna die, folks.

Wednesday’s Forum

The Tech Bubble Has Burst. Or Has It?

A lot of huge investments have failed for a variety of reasons.

Manchin 2024? Hogan 2024?

The market for competent centrists.

Tuesday’s Forum

Monday Tabs

Yellen Again Rejects Trillion Dollar Coin

A silly workaround to an infuriating problem that won’t go away.

On the Number of Parties 4: The Oddity of Two, Part 1

A real example of American exceptionalism.