Nicholas Kristof Is Exploring a Run for Oregon Governor

The two-time Pulitzer winner is considering a career change.

Quick Hits

Tab clearing time.

Doug Update

What we know thus far.

Elite Behavior Matters

The College Republican National Committee Chairman elections shows the lessons taught by the national party.

The Master’s Degree Scam

Most aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

Yet Again, Vanishingly Little Evidence of Voter Fraud

What’s smaller than minuscule?

The Reality Show Party?

Another R/D cleavage?

F- Biden Signs and Free Speech

I know obscenity when I see it and this ain’t it.

The New Red Scare

Fear of Chinese spies led to a bizarre and illegal operation within the Commerce Department.

The Problem isn’t Breyer, it is one of Constitutional Design

Put the frustration where it belongs.

Money and Intra-Party Competition

More in a series of ongoing observations about the GOP primaries.

Conservatives and Children’s Rights

COVID vaccine hesitancy is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Stupid, Evil Party

It’s not getting any better, folks.

Gypsy Moths No More

Lymantria dispar just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Billionaires in Space

Magical? Impressive? Or just too much money?

Everyone Wants 5G; Nobody Wants Towers

NIMBY is still alive and well in the age of the Internet of Things.

Most Unvaccinated Americans are Poor

Almost everyone in households making over $75,000 are protected from COVID.

Doug Mataconis, 1968-2021

The longtime OTB front-pager has passed far too soon.

Hunter Biden’s Art

A new career and a pending art sale.

More Intra-Party Manuevers

This time: the Alaska GOP.

Heir’s Property and FEMA Relief

Another example of structural racism.

Biden’s Entirely Normal Vacancies

He has nominated only 304 people out 1,200+ that require Senate confirmation.

An Example of Illegal Voting

An arrest underscores what the problem isn’t.

Amazon ‘Controls Everything You Watch’

The tech giant is even more powerful than you think.

Biden Fires ‘Independent’ Social Security Administrator

President Trump’s destruction of longstanding norms continues under his successor.

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden’s ‘Promoting Competition’ Order

The President announced a whopping 72 initiatives to rein in corporate power and lower prices.

Saturday’s Forum

patriotism patriotic hands red white blue america patriotism patriotic hands red white blue america

Ranked Choice Voting for Everyone?

It’s not perfect but it beats our usual approach to picking winners and losers.

Delta Variant

More reminders that the pandemic is not over.


The official global death toll hits another grim milestone.

A Photo for Friday

“Fountain Fun”

West’s Final Days as Texas GOP Chair

Not surprisingly, it has been a bit contentious.

Masking, Science, and Public Health

Guidance from WHO, CDC, and local governments differs widely and for good reason.

Has America Reached Peak Vaccination?

The rate at which Americans are getting COVID shots is slowing rapidly.

Religion and the Capitol Attack

What we know about those arrested for the 6 January insurrection.

The NYC Primary Mess

Eric Adams appears to have won a confusing race that isn’t quite over.