Fill In The Blank
Greg Tinti
Friday, July 14, 2006
When I first saw this photo, I thought _______________.
About Greg Tinti
Greg started the blog The Political Pit Bull in August 2005. He was OTB's Breaking News Editor from June through August 2006 before deciding to return to his own blog. His blogging career eventually ended altogether. He has a B.A. in Anthropology from The George Washington University,
Double Atomic Wedgie!!!
Mr. Tinti is much shorter than I had anticipated.
Rodney’s not back yet?
When I first saw this photo, I thought What a great opportunity for a caption contest!!
Quick, take him! This kid’s loaded with WMD!
…I’m going to be seeing this picture a lot. 🙂
Jeez, Joe Lieberman didn’t have that reaction when I kissed him…
Typical Clinton voter.
Here’s two people of approximately the same mental age… and temperament.
“Go ahead and make fun of me, George. I’ll be dancing on your grave.”
When I first saw this photo, I thought that somebody had just done an industrial strength boomer.
Remind me which one is the President?
…..everyone seems to be handing Bush a rash of shit.
…….why does Howard Dean always get like this every time he debates the opposition??????
Joe Wilson continues to attack the Bush Administration.
“Ooops … Mom … looks like we’ve both got uranium cakes.”
The MSM has reported that Bush has yet again disrespectfully roughly handle another Democrat.
When I first saw this photo, I thought “Oh dear, the President needs a diaper change.“
“Where is Laura when I need her?”
President Bush’s first encounter with a Daily Kos diarist.
Thanks Elmo
“Oh my God! Dr. Frisch — let go of the baby! It’s not his fault I touched him!”
President Bush meets informally with John Edwards. Afterwards the one time veep candidate and possible runner in ’08 said: “It is every lib’s doodie to make a stink about the administration’s Iraq policy.”
(Your welcome Rodster)
Dang if leftist crap stinks before they’re even able to talk.
“Oh, crap!”
president bush explains his social security reform plan to the nexy generation!
you don’t have to be old enough to vote to understand the administration’s immigration policy!
“Hey, waitaminit! If he’s s’posed to be ‘Mini-Me,’ why’s he look like Cheney!?”