Give Jihad A Chance (Video)

A ballad by Michelle Malkin and the folks at Hot Air:

UPDATE (James Joyner): For some reason, I’m put in mind of this exchange from “Top Gun”:

Charlie: Are you a good pilot?
Maverick: I can hold my own.
Charlie: Great, then I won’t have to worry about you making your living as a singer.

Probably the implicit military context. . . .

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Greg Tinti
About Greg Tinti
Greg started the blog The Political Pit Bull in August 2005. He was OTB's Breaking News Editor from June through August 2006 before deciding to return to his own blog. His blogging career eventually ended altogether. He has a B.A. in Anthropology from The George Washington University,


  1. Bill K says:

    I am sorry, this bitch is nuts – – and not very funny to boot.

  2. McGehee says:

    I am sorry, this bitch is nuts



  3. Matt says:

    What, Bill, no disparaging comments about her slanty eyes? You must be getting soft in your old age.