(Hunter) Biden Guilty!

He's now just 31 felonies short of Donald Trump.

AP (“Hunter Biden convicted on all charges in gun trial):

Hunter Biden has been convicted of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.

After Hunter Biden’s conviction, President Joe Biden said in a statement that he and the first lady will always be there for their son “with our love and support.”

The president says he’ll accept the outcome and continue to respect the judicial process as his son considers an appeal.

President Biden says he and Jill love their son and they’re proud of the man he is today.

“So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery,” Biden said.

Hunter Biden faces up to 10 years in prison on the first count, five years on the second count and another 10 years on the third count when he is sentenced. It’s not clear how long a sentence he could receive. The sentence is up to the judge and Hunter Biden is a first-time offender.

Judge Maryellen Noreika noted that sentencing typically is 120 days out, but no sentencing date was set.

Rather clearly, Hunter Biden is unfit to be President. Otherwise, there’s no obvious reason why this verdict, which was not unexpected, should impact the November election. One of the two candidates who are actually on the ballot has been convicted of 34 felonies; the other’s son has been convicted of three. One has time and again rejected the rule of law; the other has honored it.

FILED UNDER: Crime, Law and the Courts,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Sleeping Dog says:

    Rather clearly, Hunter Biden is unfit to be President.

    Something we all can agree on.

  2. SenyorDave says:

    @Sleeping Dog: Rather clearly, Hunter Biden is unfit to be President.
    Something we all can agree on.
    Definitely, because we all know that any DEMOCRAT convicted of a felony is unfit to be president

  3. Lounsbury says:

    Exploitable in the benefit of his father as counter to Trumpian claims, Biden respect the verdict etc. A difference on the margins

  4. Jack says:

    He’s now just 31 felonies short of Donald Trump.

    Heh. You mean one charge sliced up into 34 counts for shock and political value? Your comment is just plain and simply dumb. Dumb beyond all belief. Do you enjoy public humiliation? Not all your readers are idiots.

  5. OzarkHillbilly says:

    The sentence is up to the judge and Hunter Biden is a first-time offender.

    And unlike that other felon, Hunter has made considerable progress in his rehabilitation since committing this crime.

  6. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Jack: You’re not a lawyer, are you?

  7. Kathy says:


    you know, if you hold up a bank 12 times, it’s just one crime. An indictment of twelve counts of armed robbery is just ludicrous.

  8. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Kathy: By that logic, if you hold up 12 different banks, you can be indicted for 12 different crimes even tho you’re the same criminal every time! Ludicrous!

  9. Mikey says:

    @Jack: Tell me you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

    Do you enjoy public humiliation?

    And irony dies once again.

  10. Franklin says:

    I say we impeach Garland for this politically-motivated prosecution. Am I doing this right?

  11. just nutha says:

    @Jack: I’ll agree, in principle, on the sliced into 34 pieces part, but it’s not for political value; it’s to aid in getting at least one guilty verdict.*

    *And yes, getting convictions serves a political value but only on the local scale not in the sense your statement implies.

  12. Michael Reynolds says:

    Eleven comments in two hours. The question of beer in another thread is going at a much brisker pace.

    Does it depress MAGAts when they realize no one on the Left GAF about their great white whale?

  13. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Paul L.: Want better laws? Convince wiser voters to elect wiser people. (But I have to admit that I don’t see how Trump fits into that equation and struggle with Biden in it.)

  14. Mister Bluster says:

    What are you going to do with that $10 in your pocket? Buy a 6 pack of Bud Light or send it to convicted felon private citizen Republican Donald Trump for his campaign so he can pay off his legal bills. Maybe he will write your name on the bathroom wall at Mar A Lago.

  15. Jen says:

    @Jack: It’s amazing to me the number of Trump supporters who come here thinking they have a GOTCHA comment, when all they do is demonstrate they have zero idea what they are talking about.

    The “Do you enjoy public humiliation?” comment is apt, however unintentional.

  16. steve says:

    People who didnt follow the trial or read people who actually looked at the transcripts fail to realize how the ended up paying Cohen $460,000 rather than the $130,000 he paid Daniels. First, he was also paid back for another $50k he spent to have some misinformation he had published. So, if they wanted to categorize it as a legit legal expense they could have just reimbursed him for the $180k. However, if they wanted to hide it so it came to Cohen as income, they had to account for taxes in order to make Cohen whole. Then they added a bit extra as hush money. What’s nice is that the Trump team kept notes.


  17. DrDaveT says:

    Rather clearly, Hunter Biden is unfit to be President.

    Joe should make a point of promising that he will not put Hunter in charge of anything in his administration, because handing diplomatic assignments to unqualified family members would be a total banana republic kind of move…

  18. Neil Hudelson says:

    This was supposed to be the big thing that even the playing field, eh? And all conservatives can do in jubilation is to…analyze Trump’s trial.

    Conservatives finding out Hunter Biden is guilty: *pushes glasses firmly upon nose bridge* “You see the underlying federal statute in Trump’s case upon which the state statute depends upon is actually fraudulent because in Martok v. Simpson it was firmly established that fruit of the poison tree means that Trump’s one real charge was actually sliced and diced into 34 charges, so the appeals court will probably dismiss at least 32 charges in NYS certain felony charges are always classified as…”

    Liberals hearing Hunter Biden was found guilty: “Oh ok.” *continues on with life*

  19. Moosebreath says:


    “Joe should make a point of promising that he will not put Hunter in charge of anything in his administration, because handing diplomatic assignments to unqualified family members would be a total banana republic kind of move”.

    Or obtaining trademark protection from a foreign country for his daughter, or making his daughter-in-law head of his party’s campaign committee, or bending rules to let his son-in-law obtain his security clearance, or …

  20. Gustopher says:


    The “Do you enjoy public humiliation?” comment is apt, however unintentional.

    I assume he means “Do you enjoy public humiliation as much as I do?”

    It’s a nonsequitor, but he’s trying to find community. It’s a little humiliating for him to have to ask randomly, but he’s ok with that.

  21. DeD says:


    And irony dies once again.

    Nonsense, Mikey. Irony isn’t dead; she’s sittin’ back, munchin’ on popcorn and enjoying watching this idiot make a public fool of himself.

  22. DeD says:

    Umm, either something is wrong with the reply system, or my phone is FUBAR’d.

  23. Mister Bluster says:

    I can see your post @ 21:29 and another post @21:31.
    Is there more?

  24. DeD says:

    @Mister Bluster:
    Yeah, probably my phone.