OTB Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Winners will be announced after Friday PM.
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced after Friday PM.
1) President Obama enjoyed this game all the more when he pretended the frogs were GOP congressmen.
2) With the government shut down, President Obama turned to the children of New Jersey to fill out his new Cabinet.
And they did a much better job.
“Heyyyy, I like this game. All the moles look like Boehner.”
“So then I told Mr. Boehner – how about if I can get the frog in the pot on the first try, then will you pass a clean CR? He just laughed at me and said he would have to check with the boss”
So, Governor, which of the frogs do you think resembles Cory Booker the most?
“See, I told you Chris, the morons in the House can’t shut THIS down.”
“Chris, I think you found the solution to cut down on the noise pollution from military training in your state. And I think it will be cheaper in the long run too.”
Kid on the right, “Wait, I’ve got to pay how much for this frog’s medical care?”
President Obama and Governor Christie prepare to drop the hammer on recalcitrant House amphibians.
Christie to Obama: “Hey, leggo of my Eggo!”
“Surprised to not see you over at the ultra-bacon burger booth.”
“No, you’re fat, I’m phat….”
You know there’s no food at this booth don’t you?”
Note the strange correlation between age and the necessity of feeling you have to laugh at the President’s jokes.
Cry havoc! And let slip the frogs of war.
And then I told them they could keep their current insurance plan and doctor if they wanted too.
If I had a son, you look like you would have said, “Get in mah belly!”
“A Papa John’s had a fire. But, I was a hero and rescued the pizza. What I couldn’t carry with my hands I put in my mouth…”
“Chris Christie? That’s Republican for Hubert Humphrey, isn’t it?”
“Back in my dad’s day you could clear your sinuses just by saying H-u-b-e-r-t-H-u-m-p-h-r-e-y. It worked every time.”
The bystanders cheered when the young girl on the right demonstrated an efficient way to deal with Anthony Weiner’s, uh, problem.
And it only cost $68,000,000.
Obama asks for instructions on how to play Bop the Frog
“What are the odds of me kissing you and you turning into a Democrat, Gov. Christie? About the same as I kissing you, Mr. President, and you turning into a Republican.”
“In the wake of the government shutdown, President Obama takes a ride on Gov. Christie’s coattails in a shameful attempt to boost his rapidly declining popularity ratings in the polls.”
“Hey kids. Did you know, before the great government shutdown of 2013, children played Frog Bog on iPads?”
“If only I could make the Republicans jump like that. Republicans? How about members of your own party?”