OTB Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Photo by: Reuters
Winners will be announced after Thursday PM.
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced after Thursday PM.
Pope Santapocalypse
Vatican officials are expressing concern with the changes Pope Francis has said he intends to make to this year’s Christmas Eve Midnight Mass.
St Nicklaus decided to stay with the old dress code, as the new one, while warmer, didn’t give that loving feeling he was trying to convey.
A group of aliens made a wrong turn during their Christmas vacation trip and landed on earth at the Vatican.
@Doug Mataconis: I notice that even with all the A&E Duck Dynasty controversy Pope Francis has no problem hanging out with the Robertsons.
That’s the problem with this site. Just yak, yak, yak.
“Rudolph, is that you?”
Sir Ian, very funny, go back and put on the grey robes please.
A white Santa? Racist!
If you lie down with winter devil dogs, you’ll wake up with freeze.
Last night I had this dream . . . I was on an Alaskan elk hunt with Sarah Palin & she told me about the Obamacare death panels.
Why do Anthony Weiner & his staff keep showing up in the news?
‘Slashing thru the snow . . . . ‘
SpongeClaus HairPrance.
Jesus is coming and boy, is he pissed!
Hmmmm….it appears that Pope/Santa is STILL white.
Tonight on Fox: A Very Mordor Christmas
The Pope finds his postmodern flock is somewhat different than he remembered.
A peek into the future with Al Gore as the Climate Control High Priest. In Miami.
Simplyyy … havinggggg … a wonderful Christmas time.
The War On Christmas, Part II: Christmas Fights Back.
In 3-D and Imax!
Preview pictures from the third Hobbit movie indicate that it will depart even more radically from the book than the first two.
Conquest, War, and Famine were present. Death, however, had a previous engagement.
Saint Nicholas, venerated for preaching to the winter demons. Later legend would convert his “taming” of these beasts into hordes of flying reindeer, ’cause why not?
Following on the success of its ostrich leitmotif, Arrested Development’s fifth season took a bizarre turn…
The Four Horsemen Of Paul’s Appalling Comments?
….And another seal was broken. It contained men in the snow in rented costumes with cold snowy feet….
“I’m not so sure if I’m on board with all these changes in the church with this new Pope…”
Suddenly H.R. Pufnstuf turned dark….
“What’s the difference between a clergy member and four horny devils?”
“No difference…”
“What’s more scary to an altar boy, four horny devils or a single clergy member?”
“Probably not the four horny devils…”
“I was having a terrible nightmare about this clergy member….But, then things lightened up considerably when four horny devils came along instead. Thank goodness!”
“I just don’t get DUCK DYNASTY?”
“Remember that episode of GILLIGAN’S ISLAND where four horny monsters terrorized the island and Gilligan was abused by a clergyman?…. That was a weird one!”
“Run for your lives! A clergyman! ….Oh, and there’s four monsters too!”
“Oh, sure it all seems like fun and games to play around in the snow in rented monster costumes until the feet get cold, get frostbite, turn black, and you have to pull the toes off with a pair of pliers, you become an amputee, you go disability, you lose your job, your wife leaves you, you lose your home, you become homeless, your feet get cold again….”
“Let’s see, that’s one, two, three, four, five and then me. That’s six guys who haven’t cut their hair since 1983!”
“Hello, WEEKLY WORD NEWS….Have I got a scoop for you!”
“Hello, WEEKLY WORLD NEWS….Have I got a scoop for you!”
You better watch out…
Gwarry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Five hours ago, someone put LSD on the cookies they left out for Santa.
Strange, I don’t remember the Papal Swiss Guard being quite so hairy, or having horns, for that matter.
Heavenly Emissary: “If you thought Revelations was scary, wait ‘tll you see what happens next!”