OTB Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced after Friday PM.
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced after Friday PM.
Everybody had to be in character for the Robert Gates book signing tour.
It’s that time of year again: “The 2nd session of the 113th Congress is now in session!”
John Boehner: “Hey! Who stole my gavel???”
Nancy Pelosi: “Not me….”
Eric Kantor: “I can not tell a lie: Ted Cruz took it!”
Used to be Times Square was safe for degenerates, losers, and homeless people. Now look at it!
The Golden Globes just ain’t what they used to be.
Curse you Chris Christie!!! Now look at what you’ve done with your bridge closings!!!
Former members of Chris Christie’s administration have been reduced to panhandling in Times Square after Bridge-a-palooza.
got wood….y?
After being shunned by the furries, Woody and Minnie explore Times Square on their own.
Woody couldn’t believe that he wasn’t the weirdest guy on Times square.
Woody got Buzzed, and is wandering Times Square without making a Peep.
@Moosebreath: Ouch!
“Midnight Cowboy: The Prequel”
Where will you be when your laxative kicks in?
@Moosebreath: Probably would’ve been Ho, Bo’s lesser known sister.
@al-Ameda: “Have you seen Ratso Rizzo?”
@rodney dill: Double OUCH!!
@rodney dill:
I thought Ho Bo went across the river with Ken.
They told me that if a Progressive was elected mayor of NYC, you’d see woodies at Times Square again.
“I’m a real [cow]boy now, and WHOAAAOHMYGODWWWHHHYYYYYYY?!?!?” *Scanners-style head explosion*
Oh wow, I just read the story this picture was captioned to.
[also an entry]
The recession has hit Toon Town harder than anywhere else.
what every tourist looks like to New Yorkers
Pull my string?
You’ve got a friend in me, or do I have that backwards?
What’s the problem? You asked Elmo to tickle you.
Reach for the sky, On second thought, lower. No, lower.
@He who must not be named: “Anyone seen the all new Bugger Me Elmo?”
Elmo’s shocked face only subsided once he realized the man was pissing in the street because his socioeconomic class didn’t provide him with in-home toilet facilities. “Really,” thought Elmo, “it all comes down to the sociological forces that shape our lives.”
Hey, Minnie! You’re lookin’ hot. Wanna hook up with Cookie Monster and beat up some kids?
It’s quite clear he rode a blazing saddle.
“so i tickled elmo……and i don’t want to talk about what happened after……..”
I here that MIDNIGHT COWBOY Sequel isn’t good….
With all these cartoon characters around – Woody is getting a woody.
A promo for that new attraction at Disneyland….The Hall Of Overpriced Toys
“Why do they call him Woody? Well, I hear it’s something involving having to tie popsickle sticks around it in order to…..”
Woody soon became concerned over how many people mistook him for Mitt Romney.
Why so serious?
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Hello boys! Work. Work. Work. Work. Work.
The only person more stiff than Woody….Al Gore…
Times Square is getting worse again….
One of the dangers of Gay sex cruising on Times Square….wood splinters….
Hey Lou, take a walk on the wild side….
Hey Woody, take a walk on the wild side….
Finally! A version of MIDNIGHT COWBOY you’ll want to bring your kids to see!
What if Disney made MIDNIGHT COWBOY?
@Paul Hooson: Documented in the movie… Oak Back Mounted.
If you want to take him home, then buy him a quart of wood sealer….
A sad state of the times. Disney mascots reduced to having to hook on the streets…..