OTB Caption Contest
Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Rodney Dill
Monday, September 22, 2014
Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners for this contest will be announced next weekend
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
That’s weird. When I eat Chipotle the flames usually come out my ass.
The Scottish flamethrower. Runs on haggis and ale.
“Scotland the Brave” played in the Key of D-flaming
So THIS is what happens after you eat the “Extra Spicy” haggis.
Critics are mixed on the new director’s cut of Braveheart.
The Black Panthers wish they could intimidate voters as well as this guy!
Now that’s a hot tune.
@Moosebreath: Buster Poindexter’s got nuthin’ on this guy
In anticipation of a “Yes” vote in the independence referendum, the Scottish military researches the effects of a reduced defense budget.
This seems apropos.
We didnae stairt th’ fire! ’twas aye pure burnin` sin th’ world’s bin turning.
I have heard plenty of people threaten to burn the bag pipes, but somebody finally gone and done it.
McDonald demonstrates to the jury why green chili haggis should be outlawed.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Bagpipes burn, and caldron bubble.
“Disco Inferno”
Scottish military demonstrates its new drones.
“No man of woman born shall vote nay at this polling place!”
Obama commissions a new ISIS response.
It was awesome, man – he went right from the Scottish National Anthem into Purple Haze, then lit his bagpipe on fire!
The results of fracking in Scotland are plain to see …
It just wouldn’t be “Great” Britain anymore if this guy wasn’t part of it.
No truer Scotsman.
Opening sequence of Martin Mull’s* version of “She drives me crazy”.
*Martin Mull of “Dueling Tubas” fame
Scotsman thinking: “I knew I should’ve of taken that gig of following around fat people with a tuba.”
Barney Kilcarney realized, suddenly, that Le Petomane was the last man to play these bagpipes …
Downloading songs on the new Scottish Amazon Fire phone.
“No, I will not remove my photo ID from its holder, but you’re welcome to try.”
The Emperor bagpipes while Scotland burns, er . . . while his bagpipes burn.
Two out of three bagpipes recommend Tums for heartburn.
Music at some polling places can be quite enlightening.
Scottish Nero….
“Quick Someone! A Scott Towel!”
The World’s Worst Musical Instrument Just Got Worse…
This Is Your Country…
This Is Your Country’s Music…
This Is Your Country’s Music Without Black People To Positively Influence Your Music….
Any Questions?
Now you can see why that other hamburger place, MacDoogles, just isn’t as popular as the other guys….
The Scottish Crazy World Of Arthur Brown…
The Scottish Jimi Hendrix?
The legendary Scottish rock act….Ten Haggis After…
Scotland’s most soulful blues musician….Blind Lemon Pledge…
I hear it doesn’t take much to win SCOTLAND’S GOT TALENT…
Scotland is fired-up about voting …
Fire in the hole!
Advert for new strain of marijuana: “Burney Bongpipes”
Nae, Nae–I said smoke it in a bong pipe, not a bagpipe!
On afterburners, bagpipes can achieve tempi of 244 beats per minute for short durations.
You think that latest White House intruder would stick out like a sore thumb!
Obviously, a musical instrument invented by a White guy…
Man, that guy sure plays a hot bagpipes….
Bigots everywhere claim this as evidence that only flamers wear kilts.
This picture has got to be photoshopped. I’ve never seen a Scotsman that tanned.
Science is settled. Women are thrilled. Scottish men do have the hottest pipes around.
That bigpiper was just full of hot air.
The bagpipes of Clan MacPhart were the hottest around.
And damned be him that first cries, “Hold, enough!”
Famous last words, “Hold my ale and watch this.”
No true Scotsman could avoid shedding a tear hearing Chopin played like this.
Few know that Tony Hulman stole his famous opening line from the traditional opening of the polls in Scotland: “Gentlemen, start your bagpipes.”
I had a fifth on the fourth on the Firth of Forth.
He said to blow it out my ass. Well, this is the closest I could manage.
And all the lassies say I’m pretty fry for a white guy.
Come on Eileen… let’s get the hell out of here.
The Robert Burns supper isn’t until January.
Munitions experts agreed that the latest in mixed-use ordnance, the musical flamethrower, constituted a unique contribution to the art of modern warfare.
Scottish halitosis redefines voter intimidation.
The nitro-injected bagpipe can hit notes that would blow your mind.
The eighth circle of Hell was a little quieter than usual; everyone looked around and wondered where Angus McAdder had wandered off to.
Play that funky music White boy!
Scotland’s historical bid for “FREEDOM!” is blown out the bagpipes and goes up in flames.
William “Braveheart” Wallace rolls over in his grave.
Somewhere in Malibu, Mel ‘Braveheart’ Gibson is ordering yet another ‘Tequila Sunrise’.
“Hey Buddy, if this gig doesn’t work out, then I hear there’s a job opening at the Chicago Airport in the flight control…”
“Hey buddy, if this gig doesn’t work out, then I hear there’s some job openings at a food processing plant in Oklahoma where some guy went crazy in support of ISIS…”
If it isn’t Scottish it’s crap. Of course, sometimes it’s Scottish and crap too.