OTB Caption Contest
Time For The Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time For The Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners for this contest will be announced in two weekends. Contests will again be a little more sporatic during the summer.
Time For The Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners for this contest will be announced in two weekends. Contests will again be a little more sporatic during the summer.
The U.S. Navy’s secret trojan horse project – codename “covfefe” was accidentally revealed by Mr. Trump this week.
This weekend, the United States Navy unveiled its newest warship, the U.S.S. Donald J. Trump.
The Peeps Candy Co. was pleased to provide the new mascot for the Canadian navy.
Rubber Ducky, you’re the one. You make wartime lots of fun…
Preparations for Putin’s visit as progressing with a duck hunt – Trump style.
North Korea launches the PRNK Kim Jong Un.
As Farmer McDonald launches a new advertising promotion, competitors deride his operation’s value. “His advertising rep is obviously a quack.”
Let’s hope the thing is lame.
Donald dreamed of naval domination as a child.
Making rubber duckies great again.
Hurry! The President wants to take his bath!
@Janis Gore: “deride his operation’s inflated value.”
“if it floats like a duck …. “
Michael Bay’s remake of Howard the Duck began shooting this weekend.
It’s gonna be yuuuge.
The USS. Hillary Clinton joins the mothball fleet.
RubberDucky: “C’mon Kathy Griffin. Take your best shot.”
Still wary of the Trojan Bush, America took a chance on the Trojan Quack.
No, I said Trump thinks he has the biggest d!ck, not the biggest duck.
Trump: “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, “What system are you going to be—” “Sir, we’re staying with digital.” I said, “No you’re not. You going to goddamned rubber duckies, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.”
America has been reeling from a Quackerist.
Rodney’s contest is simply ducky!
Donald Trump’s bathtub toy as a boy?
Attendees could hear screaming coming from the viewing stand “no you idiot, Duck Dynasty was just the ships code name!”
How many Poles does it take to design a world class warship?
More than were available.
Al Gore quickly grasped the photo op opportunity. Calling in NASA scientists, “if my new movie claims melted ice caps released former inhabitants can you guys sell it?”
Our most lethal weapon – the USS Monty Python – the funniest boat in the world.
Mike “Repressed” Pence sure has a weird taste in blow-up dolls.
If Trump had chosen the form of The Destructor, it would not have been Mr. Sta-Puft.
Having given up on effective container searches, the Department of Homeland Security announces Port Security Plan B.
Millions of taxpayers were harmed during the taking of this photo.
And the winner is….
“Ducky McDuckface”
…Says one bystander, “Well, that’s the bloody craziest thing that I’ve seen since that horse and buggy traveling abortionist…”.
The vikings’ stealth ship allowed them to sneak back into the OTB caption contest and cruise to an easy victory
“Duck is duck, and boat is boat.” (Shirley Valentine)
And with every lie he told, the little ducky grew and GREW!
It’s not very lethal, but it runs on breadcrumbs.
The main feature the Canadians demanded in their new warship was that it not scare anybody.
If the war zone ever looks like a giant bathtub, the Canadians are READY!
It’s a Trojan Duck sent by the Russians.
I don’t know what it is, but Trump asked it if it’s loyal…
Well, THAT would explain those big floating patches of yellowish-green…