OTB Caption Contest
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Winners will be announced Monday PM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Monday PM
So are you certain that this is a working model of Iran’s nuclear technology?
“Lemme show you how I killed Bin Laden, kid.”
This is not as easy as my penis pump.
This is tough. I better let Michelle work it.
Obama thought bubble: “Gawd, I love to inflate things.”
Kid: “I thought it was Congress’s job to prime the pump, Mr. President”
“Mr. President, the Ego Inflater won’t work on someone as narcissistic as you.”
I’m not sure how far we can cut the military budget but … let’s give it a shot.
Nice try kid, but I already vetoed the keystone pipeline.
Seriously, people. After the penis pump wisecrack what chance do any of us have?
Television star and inventor Milhouse Van Houton looks on as President Obama demonstrates the “air-powered excuse generator,” one of the many federal funded projects currently under development at Bart Simpson Enterprises.
Indisputable proof that Obama really thinks pumping up the economy is child’s play.
Now I know how this month’s employment numbers got pumped up.
Everything about Obama’s full of hot air!
I always knew kids were running the show.
Silly man. Just cause they call you “Commander-in-Chief” doesn’t mean you’re suddenly a secret weapons expert.
NASA, we have a problem.
Obama thinking: {Oh sure, everyone talks about Michelle’s buff arms, but where is she when there’s hard work to be done?}
Don’t hold back MaggieMama, say how you really feel.
[not an entry obviously]
This reminds me of a gadget a friend once built: the BLARF. Beer Launched At Radical Force.
Maggie M is on a roll….
Having made the disastrous PR mistake of inviting Foster the People to the White House the President found himself trying to cope with their gift offering while in the background they sang “all you other kids with your pumped up kicks better run, better run……..”
Are you sure this is how Gingrich’s office said the Democratic delegation is being sent to the new colony?
Two more pumps here, then adjust the whosawatzit three notches, and that my friend is how you capture the Road Runner.
You’re bright kid, but this is too much work…..spit-wads through a straw is still more effective…..still, the government may buy it….
I’m with Drew, the penis pump is the win….
Don’t let Boehner near this…he’ll shoot his eye out.
/sorry guys, this one really got me going — still, Dill, not as bad as a few years ago when that pirate ship passing the Statue of Liberty really opened these flood gates!!!!/
@Brummagem Joe:Don`t let Boener near this he`ll shoot his eye out My fave It cracked me up
Do you have to cry out “Fetchez la vache” before launching?
Obama thought bubble: “Oh Michelle, I’m gonna make you bark like a dog.”
Obama: “I used to be an inventor like you…then I took a marshmallow to the knee”
Take this to the moon Gingrich!
Ingenious kid – I guess you were home-schooled.
Solar, you say! I can get you 200 million …
“Ever expect to see the most powerful man in the world pump this hard, Billy?”
“Sorry Sir, I don’t watch gladiator movies.”
Ok kid, we will invest 500 million on this thing. But only because it’s air powered.
He’s not Hans and he’s not Franz! They can’t pump you up cause they’re two girlie men.
Kid: Think Mrs. Obama will catch the marshmallow in her mouth like she said?
Obama: How many feet per second at the muzzle?
Kid: 126, more or less.
Obama: Oh yeah, she’s good for that.
The demo was delayed briefly when the First Lady ran off with the “ammo bag.”
POTUS find the Marshmallarater slightly harder to inflate than his poll numbers.
President Obama proudly announces to the world that America is back in the “Space Race” as he personally demonstrates the latest green technology propulsion launching system available: The MARShmallow Cannon!
After his birth control policy goes south, President Obama personally mans a White House modified spud gun aimed at America’s diminishing Irish practicing Roman Catholics.