OTB Caption Contest Winners
The Geek Squad Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Geek Squad Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
First: John Burgess – “That’s a great shot! Maybe you could make it better by giving me a halo?”
Second: Herb – Backstage at Late Night, Jimmy Fallon and President Obama entertain themselves with Youtube videos of Jamie Dimon explaining why Wall Street banks don’t need to be regulated.
Third: Doug Mataconis – “And when I press this button, it causes the lips of an MSNBC anchor to move.”
Mr. Prosser – The President reacts when asked if Mitt Romney even knows what Slow Jammin’ is.
al-Ameda – “White House Staff watch and listen as Mitt Romney addresses Liberty University”
JKB – Mr. President, we have the New York Times and Washington Post in our pocket. The conservatives have Outside the Beltway, PJ Media and some guy named, Jim Treacher.
Robert w. Armijo – Jimmy Fallon closely watches President Obama’s reaction to George Zimmerman’s successful website, requesting monetary donations in the form of PayPal deposits to his legal defense fund, just before he uses his new unconstitutional powers to shut it down.
Maggie Mama – Watching Chris Matthews on Jeopardy gives O’Bama a thrill going up his leg!
jd – Everybody enjoys a good sneezing baby panda video.
“Sir…. It’s not turned on yet.”
“Yes we can add the popping bubble wrap app to your blackberry.”
President Obama always gets a chuckle over Jib-Jab’s new ‘Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits’ parody of Mitt Romney.
The Thursday Contest has already finished the Bunny Hop.