OTB Caption Contest Winners
The Life's A Beach Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Life’s A Beach Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: JWH – Looking ahead to 2016, Hillary ponders whether she got the right dog neutered.
Second: Tillman – Politics: it turns out its effects are indistinguishable from spending a long time in Florida.
Third: Robert W. Armijo – Hillary, hot on the Benghazi trail.
OldSouth – She Who Must Be Obeyed, strolling the beach with her toy poodle and her lapdog.
jd – Is that a kielbasa in his pocket or is he just happy to be in a caption contest?
The Q – “Hell, people like me so much I could run this dog for President and win.” “Uh, which dog Mr. President?”
He who must not be named – Now you’ll put that thing on a leash. If you’d done it 20 years ago I’d be president right now.
al-Ameda – “Oh, now I remember, this is where we took White House interns for their “orientation.”
PAUL HOOSON – The escape from the laws of gravity…
Bill: “Paparazzi! You gotta look Presidential… Here take my sand wedge.”
“Oh the humanity.”
“Oh the huge manatee.”
Bill (Thinking): “…and I always thought that SWMBO, meant ‘Sex With My Bitchin’ Oldie.'”
(Special Guest Appearance) steve – “What’s the difference between Hillary and the dog?” “He could eat the dog if he had to.”
Strangely, I did a typo and meant this entry to read, “No escape from the laws of gravity”.