OTB Caption Contest Winners
The Three Hour Tour Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Three Hour Tour Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: Franklin – And now, I will preemptively attack the yachts of Seth Rogen and James Franco …
Second: Doug Mataconis– “The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost, the Minnow would be lost…….”
Third: markm – “They call me Kim Jong Unshmael….”
Mu – “And they told me I couldn’t have a submarine as a bathtub toy. Just needed a bigger bathtub.”
RockThisTown – We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
OzarkHillbilly – The Kimchi of the seas.
Paul Hooson – “Wow, those James Bond villains are sure going downhill….”
Guarneri – Kwang said “hey fat boy the whales are over HERE,” Ho laughed……..and no one has seen them since.
RGardner – My submarines are so powerful that they are always on the surface! Only weak Imperialist lackey submarines submerge!
James Pearce – “I’m king of the world!”
“Who’s the Un-boat commander?”
“C2…” “Crap, you sunk by battleship.”
“No Dear Leader, no girls here… I think EMERGENCY BLOW is only a submariner term.”
I am Dear Leader of the sea,
The ruler of my own Navee,
and I always wear grey khaki pants.
“and so do his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts!
and so do his sisters and his cousins, and his aunts!”
I sorta get a power high
At sea, I watch my missiles fly.
And I snap my fingers at South Korea’s taunts
“and so do his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts!
and so do his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts!”
But when an ill wind blows
I lead then from below
and compose new despot rules and rants
“to make for his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts!
to make for his sisters and his cousins, and his aunts!
His sister and his cousins, whom he rules by the dozens, and his aunts!”
Nothing about Dukakis? You people disappoint me. This is a conservative blog, and at least half of the commenters are conservative, and still no Dukakis…
@Gustopher: John425 had this one: “Little Kim Jong Un decides to do Michael Dukakis’s tank photo op one better.” It just didn’t make the cut, not that it wasn’t funny, 90%+ of the captions are good. You should note that while I will recognize political captions or slams, the best captions, IMO, are often not entirely political in nature.
Not only are the James Bond villains going downhill….But, now Roger Corman is producing the movie and they can only afford to pay just three Koreans…
Oh, and in reference to Gustopher, it was rather remarkable that no Dukakis references were made here…Well, tanks alot….
@Rodney Dill: I certainly agree that many of the best captions are not political. Often, they come across as merely partisan jabs rather than being more universal humor or just a cheap little joke which is funny and good for a laugh.
BTW, talking about cheap, I hear some people are saving money on presents this Christmas….They took Robin Williams off their list…And Bill Cosby too!
Yea, the “playing chicken with Mike Dukakis” thing seems obvious…
@Paul Hooson: I did mention the one Dukakis reference, above.
…and the problem with political captions is the attempt at commentary or just out right jabs gets in the way of the humor. Of course, when rarely done right, they can be the best.
@anjin-san: Actually “playing Chicken” with Mike Dukakis might’ve made the honorable mention. Dukakis is dated and slamming him just isn’t that funny, but playing chicken with him is a twist.
Thanks for the victory … IIRC, that’s my second first place, woo-hoo!
BTW, I haven’t figured out what tune to sing your song to …
@Franklin: Here is the tune.
Not the best example of it, but you’ll get the gist.
Didn’t cross my mind that people wouldn’t think of this one,
Here’s more what I was thinking of.
or this one.
Heh, undoubtedly a classic. But I’m just not that familiar with the scores of famous comic operas (or really, any operas at all).