OTB Caption Contest Winners
The A Portrait in Snake Oil Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The A Portrait in Snake Oil Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
Aude Guerrucci-Pool/Getty Images
First: RockThisTown – “See? Even her picture is crooked!”
Second: Moosebreath – I like having her here so I can grab her pu$$y anytime I want to.
Third: Franklin – Just like last week’s Caption Contest, there are no winners here.
Guarneri – Are those the billing records she’s putting on the table?
Paul Hooson – “Suffer unto me poor children with no health care coverage”- Trump 3-14
Beth Dundas – Still head and shoulders above trump
lilimarlene – And still as flat and one-dimensional as ever.Donald Sensing – “This portrait is of the last time Mrs. Clinton ever smiled, on the morning of November 8.”
john430 – Trump: “Well, after I bagged her, I wanted to stuff and mount her but had to settle for a portrait. You know how fussy the media is about me stuffing and mounting anything.”
Daryl’s other brother Darryl – President Zoolander and a portrait of First Lady, Hillary Clinton.
“I know the Men’s Room isn’t on the tour, but you just had to see this hanging above the urinals.”
“C’mon, everything suffers from shrinkage standing by this portrait”
“Pull my Finger.”
“Anyone got a tube of lipstick for this pig?”
“Toldya, Hillary would hang.”
Ah, thank you so much! Looking at the photo seemed to inspire by scriptural inspired joke here. Thank you so much Rodney and everyone. God bless!
Thanks again — 2 straight 2nd places.
Thanks for the honorable mention 🙂
Well, darn. This was easily my most literary entry yet, but no love.
Thanks Rodney! The drought has ended 🙂
@DrDaveT: So literary that I didn’t get the reference at the time.
Holy crap so many great entries this week! (BTW, I didn’t know the exact reference to DrDaveT’s either, although I imagined it to be a bit funnier than it turned out to be.)
@rodney dill:
Heh. When I first posted it, I used the first 5 or so lines of the poem, but it was way too clunky so I trimmed it to just the first 1.5, making it much less obviously a quotation. My bad.
For the record:
My Last Duchess, by Robert Browning
That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall,
Looking as if she were alive. I call
That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf’s hands
Worked busily a day, and there she stands.
Will’t please you sit and look at her? […]
Touché, although I was going more for tragic irony than humor.
@DrDaveT: I usually try to google what looks to me like an obscure reference, when I can’t figure it out. I just didn’t recognize enough in this one even think to do that. I do appreciate the the use of obscure references and try to employ them in my own humor attempts, but its a double-edged sword. You can’t get them all.