OTB Latenight – The Beatles
Today is the 40th Anniversary of the Beatles’ final live performance, the January 30, 1969 concert on the rooftop of the Apple building at 3 Savile Row, London:
Today is the 40th Anniversary of the Beatles’ final live performance, the January 30, 1969 concert on the rooftop of the Apple building at 3 Savile Row, London:
I was a child of the sixties.
Joined the United States Navy in 1963, about the time the Beatles came into musical prominence.
I always thought of them as being good performers, a good band, and significant in their pop appeal.
But, most of their music and antics in the beginning were to a juvenile appeal. If it was not for the media hype and every teenage girl depositing bodily fluids in their panties every time they saw them, they would have been no more than “Herman’s Hermit’s” or the “The Turtles.”
You have to remember, at this point, those hysterical teenage girls of the sixties are now sixty year old grandma’s who consider that era the most important time of their lives. The Beatles are the most important social and entertainment icon of their lives.
You may have liked them and still do, but there was just more important things happening.
To me, they were the “bubble-gum” music of the sixties…
Eneils, you may not be that impressed with The Beatles because “more important things were happening” but from a musical perspective, they were the most significant thing to happen in modern music.
By your logic, Mozart is not important because of the American Revolution. And yeah, that was more important, but music and other forms of art are some of the things that makes this whole damn world worth all the trouble.
OK, in your opinion, I will not argue the point. Some people think they were significant, I don’t.
How in the hell did your convoluted logic send you to that conclusion?
Bad try, simply because I think the Beatles were musicians of marginal expertise and accomplishments, does not mean that I don’t appreciate music of sever-lasting significance.
OK, in your opinion…not in mine.
Don’t try to tell me that forms of art that I don’t like is my personal salvation, unless I approve of everything, including things you like.
Liking what you like, will not make “this whole damn world worth all the trouble.”
I can tell already, I am happier than you.
It’s sad that in this day and age…some feel the need to argue over most everything.
The fact is…personal taste notwithstanding…they were the voice of a generation, and their songwriting and musical impact is still influential today.
How true… and how disappointing…
How so??? (is this True)?
Was it the poetry put into:
“I Wanna Your Hand?”
Was it the hours of deep thought put into:
“Please, Please Me?”
Was it thinking of world peace put into:
“Can’t buy me Love?”
They had several significant hits…
Certainly, nothing could bring anyone to the point that if you don’t appreciate the Beatles, you consider Mozart a phony.
Nice try shit head, it does no work on this planet. That logic is so flawed that it should call for your IQ to be investigated.
Again…how sad.
What an asshole….
That makes it a double barrel, beech loader…
Luv to U!
Come on, do you have an opinion, or just a litany of rhetoric horse shit…
My, my, how angry over a little bit of music. Where is the forum monitor when we need one?
Indeed, they were. But plot the creative arc from “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” to “Eleanor Rigby” and I think you’ll agree that this
misses the mark by a wide margin. No other musical group of that era went through as many creative changes–and always in the direction of more depth.
Come on, do you have an opinion, or just a litany of rhetoric horse shit…
…my favorite…
…and finally there’s…
Are you sure about that?