Will He Or Won’t He? Washington Waits On Paul Ryan’s Decision On Running For Speaker

With Congress set to come back from its recess, attention is once again turning to the race for Speaker and one Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin.

Another Republican Congressman Accuses Benghazi Committee Of Being Partisan

Another Republican Congressman has said that the Select Committee investigating the Benghazi attack is primarily concerned with scoring political points against Hillary Clinton.

Clinton Wins, And Ends Any Reason For Joe Biden To Enter The Race

In addition to doing everything she needed to do last night, Hillary Clinton also destroyed whatever logic remained for a Joe Biden candidacy.

Hillary Clinton Gets Some Good Polling News Ahead Of First Democratic Debate

With the first Democratic Presidential Debate just hours away, Hillary Clinton got some good polling news from Fox News Channel.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

Despite Saying No, Paul Ryan Is Being Heavily Lobbied To Run For Speaker

Paul Ryan is getting pressure from all sides to get into the race for Speaker Of The House.

Kevin McCarthy Drops Out Of Race For Speaker, House Republicans In Chaos

Another political earthquake in Washington as Kevin McCarthy drops out of the race for Speaker, and the House GOP doesn’t seem to know which way to go.

House Conservatives Fail To Unite Behind A Candidate For Speaker

With just a day to go before House Republicans pick their candidate for Speaker, conservatives don’t seem to be able to unify behind a candidate.

Kevin McCarthy Inadvertently Tells The Truth About The House Benghazi Committee

The man who will likely be the next Speaker of the House accidentally acknowledged the real motivation behind the Select Committee investigating, yet again, the Benghazi attack.

John Boehner’s Parting Words For His Critics Are Spot-On

John Boehner let loose on the “false prophets” on the right yesterday, and he’s absolutely right.

House Speaker John Boehner To Resign

Big news out of Washington, D.C.

The Latest Conservative Rebellion Against John Boehner Is Fizzling Out

The latest effort by conservative Republicans to oust John Boehner appears to be coming to an unsurprising end.

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Congress Rebukes Obama On Trade, And Thus The Lame Duck Era Begins

House Democrats defied President Obama on an important trade deal today, thus arguably marking the official beginning of his lame duck status.

House Republicans Set To Sacrifice Limited Government On The Altar Of Abortion Politics

House Republicans are set to vote on a bill banning abortion in almost all cases after twenty weeks. What they can’t do is explain where the Constitution gives Congress the power to do this.

Republican Congressional Leaders Skipping Selma Anniversary

Another tone deaf action from leading Republicans.

After Two Month Stand Off, House Passes Clean DHS Funding Bill

As expected, Republicans have caved in the showdown over funding for the Department of Homeland Security.

Republicans Suddenly Discover They’re Against The Filibuster

Now that they control all of Congress, some Republicans are suddenly deciding that the filibuster should be repealed.

Congress Punts DHS Funding Bill For Seven Days

Another lesson in incompetence in governing from House Republicans.

Tea Party Crowd Launching Another Phony “Challenge” To John Boehner

Several Tea Party backed Members of Congress claim to be challenging John Boehner in tomorrow’s vote for Speaker. They are, of course, delusional.

Republicans Expand House Majority

The GOP added to its majority in the House, giving it the biggest majority it has had since Truman was President.

SCOTUS Gives The GOP A Way Out Of The Same-Sex Marriage Battle

The Supreme Court has given the GOP a way out of a battle that they are going to lose anyway.

House Drops Border Bill, Tells President They Are Suing For Acting Alone To Act Alone

Once again, the Tea Party has gotten the best of House GOP Leadership.

Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise Win Leadership Elections, But The Battle Resumes In November

The House leadership elections turned out about as expected, but we may be doing this all over again in five months.

Who will be the new House Whip?

GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy of California won the vote to replace Eric Cantor as the new GOP House Majority Leader. The question is who replaces McCarthy.

Eric Cantor To Step Down As Majority Leader

Get ready for a big GOP Leadership fight in the House.

John Boehner Not Sure How Long He’ll Be Speaker

Boehner ready to pack it in?

House Conservatives Plotting Against Boehner Again?

Once again, the Tea Party wing of the GOP is talking about taking out John Boehner.

Congress Trying To Undercut Obama’s Iran Deal?

Some Members of Congress are talking about pushing a bill imposing new sanction on Iran despite the deal reached in Geneva yesterday.

Governors Only For President?

A top House Republican suggested today that only Governor’s should be President. His argument has both practical and historical merit.

No, Boehner Isn’t Going To Lose His Job As Speaker

John Boehner’s position as Speaker of the House seems quite secure.

House Shutdown/Debt Ceiling Plan Already Falling Apart?

Well, so much for that plan.

Will The GOP Back Away From Using The Budget To Attack The PPACA?

Republicans don’t seem willing to let go of the Obamacare issue just yet. But, how long will that actually last?

House To Insist On One Year Delay Of Obamacare, Making Shutdown All But Inevitable

The House will reportedly vote on a new Continuing Resolution with conditions that would seem to make a shutdown inevitable.

House To Vote On Budget That Makes A Government Shutdown More Likely

The House is going to make it more likely that we see a government shutdown at the end of the month.

Numbers In House Continue To Trend Against Authorizing Syrian Military Strikes

Things aren’t looking good for President Obama in the House of Representatives.

Farm Bill Failure Shows House GOP Leadership Doesn’t Really Control The House GOP Caucus

It looks for all the world as if the House GOP Caucus isn’t really under the control of the leadership.

John Boehner’s Narrow Path To Immigration Reform

John Boehner clearly wants to see an immigration bill passed this year, but he has a very narrow path to victory.

Inside The Ridiculous Attempted Coup Against John Boehner

The attempted coup against John Boehner resembled something you’d see in a banana republic.

Is Boehner’s Position As Speaker In Danger?

Last night’s defeat of “Plan B” demonstrated yet again that John Boehner does not really control his caucus.