10 Felonies in 9 Hours

William Todd committed at least nine felonies in the span of ten hours in Nashville.

The legend of William Todd, aged 24, and his Nashville crime spree is going viral.

The Sideshow (“Man allegedly commits 10 felonies in 9 hours“):

Police say he traveled there on a Greyhound bus from Kentucky before beginning his unprecedented crime spree. Upon arriving in Nashville, he allegedly broke into a local business called The Slaughterhouse, where he stole a Taser, revolver and shotgun. He then proceeded to steal a T-shirt from the Slaughterhouse before burning the business to the ground.

Todd then moved on to a local bar, where he held four patrons at gunpoint. He robbed all four individuals but not before using the Taser on one and pistol-whipping another.

Just five minutes later, Todd moved onto his next alleged felony, carjacking a taxi driver at gunpoint. After leaving the cab, he used the credit cards he had stolen from the bar patrons to buy food.

“He was able to find the Walmart on Nolensville. He goes there and purchased $199 worth of items,” Sgt. Blackburn said.

And that was only the beginning.

In the early hours of the following morning, Todd then broke into a local hotel’s law office. He not only vandalized the offices but also then defecated on a desk and smeared his feces on some of the framed law degrees.

Leaving the offices, Todd then reportedly robbed several of the hotel guests. He knocked on their door pretending to be a female housekeeper, then robbed them at gunpoint. He was also reportedly crying while doing so.

He then briefly paused for a change in personal appearance.

“We have him on video leaving the hotel with a shaved head,” Sgt. Blackburn said.

After crashing his stolen cab into a local parking garage, Todd then quickly held another taxi driver at gunpoint. When police finally apprehended Todd, he was hiding atop Opryland, partially submerged in a water-cooling vat. The Metro Fire Department was brought in to assist in Todd’s removal from the vat, using a bucket and ladder truck.

The man’s efficient, I’ll give him that. But I’m afraid that’s just a little bit more than the law will allow.

FILED UNDER: Crime, , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. I think he committed a little more than 10 felonies. Isn’t robbery of each person a separate felony?

  2. MstrB says:

    @Timothy Watson: At the end of the article:

    “He rode the Greyhound bus and had a layover, then left in blue lights,” Sgt. Blackburn said. “There definitely could be more charges. We hope that there are no more victims.”

    One has to credit his dedication to his craft.

  3. He then proceeded to steal a T-shirt

    Stealing a t-shirt is a felony?

  4. @Stormy Dragon: Not familiar with Kentucky’s law, but it might be included with the taser as part of the single-larceny rule (so if the combined value was more than the threshold for a felony, it becomes a felony). Each weapon stolen might be a separate thief of a firearm felony.

  5. Nicholas Sarwark says:

    Stealing a t-shirt is usually a felony if you do so with a deadly weapon and/or there’s a breaking and entering involved.

  6. walt moffett says:

    When did he find out he had four kidneys?

  7. MstrB says:

    @walt moffett: Dewey Crowe!

  8. grumpy realist says:

    WTF? From where I sit this looks like an incredible cry for help. Or a wish for suicide by cop. Heck, if I ever go on a crime spree, I hope I have the intelligence to carry out one that at least makes sense. This….is just WEIRD.

  9. Tsar Nicholas says:

    No sense going on a crime spree unless you go full 5150.

  10. al-Ameda says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    Stealing a t-shirt is a felony?

    James left out the fact that he broke into the Governor’s trailer and stole the t-shirt.

  11. Franklin says:

    This is what you get when you vote for soft-on-crime Democrats.

  12. Franklin says:

    Note: obvious troll is obvious.

  13. Jenos Idanian says:

    Harvey Silverglate wrote a book where he argued that our legal system is so screwed-up, the average American technically commits three felonies a day just going about their business.

    This guy is seriously blowing the curve.