Jimmy Carter Proves The Simpsons Right*

* if you are an African parasite

Anti-Gay Extremism in Nigeria

Where religious zealotry can lead. (So, yes, a digression into American politics).

The Identity Politics of Identity Politics

Who gets to claim Latino heritage?

Michael Langley to be 1st Black Marine 4-Star General

A long-overdue milestone has been reached.

Ukraine War Adding to Global Food Insecurity

Supply chain disruptions are contributing to crisis for 300 million people.

Tucker Carlson White Supremacist Messaging

The face of Fox News is not the bow-tied buffoon from his “Crossfire” days.

Most Americans Have Had COVID-19

Some 60% of us, including 75% of our children, have been infected.

American Excess Deaths from COVID

We did much better in 2020 and worse since 2021 than we thought.

Ukraine Invasion Sending History in a New Direction?

The ferocity of the global reaction to Putin’s invasion is stunning.

The Beginning of a Response to the Beginning of an Invasion

The first shoe has dropped.

Covid Triumphalism

Let’s not start celebrating just yet.

Sidney Poitier, 1927-2022

A pioneering Black actor is gone at 94.

Capitol Riot: One Year Later

A roundup of reflection on a somber anniversary.

CDC Lessens Quarantine Recommendations Despite Omicron’s Spread

The flurry of news around the new variant is dizzying.

On the Number of Parties 3: More Sophisticated Counting

The effective number of parties.

Omicron and the Vaccines

Modern and Pfizer are your best bets, but most of the world has had other vaccines.

On the Number of Parties 1: Basic Counting, Part 1

Counting is not necessarily as straightforward as it may seem.

Omicron Cometh

Yet another COVID-19 strain has emerged.

Is Autocracy Really Winning?

A depressing magazine piece argues it is.

Donald Rumsfeld, 1932-2021

He was both the youngest and oldest man to run the Pentagon.

Biden Taking Fewer Refugees Than Trump!!!

Stenography is not journalism.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris participate in a virtual bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris participate in a virtual bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Liberals Upset Biden Foreign Policy is Biden’s

Those expecting Bernie Sanders’ agenda are sorely disappointed.

The Pandemic Economy

The job losses and hit to the service sector is well documented. But trade has radically shifted, too.

Biden’s Christianity, Lincoln, and the Truth of Who We Are

Biden’s America is a place and idea in which the trappings of empire or glory are ephemera in comparison with perennial human relationships—families; friendships; communities; schools; neighbors; partners.

Al Qaeda Deputy Killed in Iran

The man behind the 1998 embassy attacks is dead.

Harris and Racial Labels

There are different, and not equally good, reasons to talk about labels.

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks prior to signing H.R. 1957- The Great American Outdoors Act Tuesday, August 4, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks prior to signing H.R. 1957- The Great American Outdoors Act Tuesday, August 4, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

America’s Exceptional Failure

Our response to Covid-19 has been exceptional in all the wrong ways.

Black is Back

The evolution of America’s racial language continues.

USA Most Prepared Country for Pandemics

Despite our poor showing against COVID-19, we have the best infrastructure in place.

Kenny Rogers, Country Legend, Dead at 81

He was the king of crossover hits long before Garth Brooks.

No, Biden Shouldn’t Name His Cabinet Now

There’s very little upside.

SXSW Latest Victim of Coronavirus

Conferences, sporting events, and even school has been canceled to avoid spreading the pandemic.

A Blast from the Past: CDC Funding

Looking back to a story from 2018.

American Exceptionalism in Choosing the Head of State

We are truly exceptional in how we choose the president.

Trump May Not Benefit Politically From Al-Baghdadi’s Death

If President Trump expected to get a political bump from the death of the leader of ISIS, he is most likely going to be disappointed.

Leader Of ISIS Believed Killed In Raid In Syria

There’s apparently big news in the fight against ISIS.

ISIS A Big Winner After Trump’s Retreat

ISIS is quickly taking advantage of the abrupt American withdrawal from northern Syria.

Elizabeth Warren And The Commander In Chief Test

So far at least, Elizabeth Warren is not doing a good job of articulating her foreign policy positions. That needs to change if she’s going to be a serious candidate.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Wins Nobel Peace Prize

This year’s Nobel Peace Prize Laureate comes from a part of the world that most people almost never think about.

Hunter Biden’s Socially Acceptable Corruption

The real crime is what’s legal.

Robert Mugabe, Independence Leader Who Sent His Nation To Disaster, Dead At 95

Robert Mugabe led a nation to independence only to become a dictator who destroyed its economy, has died at the age of 95.

Trump Has Repeatedly Asked Advisers Why We Can’t Just Nuke Hurricanes

President Trump continues to have an odd obsession with nuclear weapons.

Reactions to 1619

In this case, Rich Lowry’s.

Trump Goes Full Dictator

Donald Trump isn’t just admiring dictators now, he’s acting like one.

Will Hurd’s Retirement Is A Warning Sign For The GOP

The only African-American Republican in the House of Representatives is retiring, and that should worry Republicans nationwide.

20 Dead, 26 Injured In El Paso Mass Shooting. Hate Crime Suspected.

Another day, another mass shooting and, as is becoming all too common in this country, this one appears to have been racially motivated.

RBG Speaks Out Against Court Packing Schemes

Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t very impressed by the proposals made by several liberal politicians lately to increase the size of the Supreme Court to counterbalance the conservative tilt created by the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmations.

W.H.O. Declares Congo Ebola Outbreak A World Health Emergency

The World Health Organization has declared the year-long Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo a “world health emergency.”

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

The Birthers Come For Kamala Harris

A new racist meme questioning Kamala Harris’s background is circulating on the Internet.