Spoiler alert, it’s about Prince’s attempt to Usher in a different approach to the press conference.
Great comics combine social commentary with humor. Increasingly, they’ve skipping the latter.
The rare case where a clickbait headline is actually appropriate.
Turns out that costing your employer nearly a billion dollars isn’t good for your career.
What’s that phrased about broken clocks?
Mike Pompeo’s PAC wants you to know that Mike Pompeo’s book is a “thriller with stories from the heart” of Mike Pompeo
They went down 3 cents a gallon yesterday and have dropped 24 days straight.
I’m shocked, shocked, to find that this is happening here.
It’s not funny when you have to constantly explain the jokes.
“The Closer” delivers more of what people love and hate about the GOAT.
You know you got it when you’re going insane.
Having the topic of political reform start to seep into pop culture is a good thing.
A retired admiral warns that the President is undermining our institutions.
Next thing you know, they’ll tell us to eat vegetables.
SNL takes on impeachment and the 2020 Democratic Presidential race.